Friday, May 23, 2014

Friday - Toddlers

Chalk Shout - This project is usually done with liquid starch, but I didn't have any, so I used liquid Shout (stain remover) instead, and it worked great.  The kiddos dipped their chalk in the Shout and then drew with it. 

It is simply wonderful to draw with chalk this way, it just glides over the paper.  I think I will do this with the older kiddos next week.

Adding Machine - Wow, something that makes noise and has buttons - every kids favorite!
As the kiddos worked, they wanted their letter on their piece of paper.  When we were done we gathered up all their papers and sent them home in envelopes.

Hula Hooping - 

Beaded Memorial Day Bracelets - The kiddos did a great job of string beads on pipe cleaners and they were so proud of their bracelets when they were all done.  It was also wonderful fine motor practice.

This kiddos was naming off the colors of her bracelet.
I love how delicately the kiddos worked at this.
Here is the finished bracelet.

Cutting Practice - I just pulled scraps from projects for the kiddos to cut.

Counting Rocks - This is a kiddo favorite.  The rocks are so smooth and fun to handle.

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