Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Summer Camp - Fairies

Painting our Fairy Houses - I made these clay houses last week.  They were a bit of a paint to do.  Once they dried they had a bunch of cracks, so I painted them with white school glue.  I got this idea from this blog:  Here!
The kiddos painted them to get them ready for their fairies.

Painting our Fairies - We painted our fairies with glitter nail polish.  The kiddos added faces with Sharpies.  I hot glued felt wings on them .

Time to Decorate our Wings - I made these wings after the idea of the superhero capes from last week.  Nice and simple.  The kiddos chose what fabulous bits they would like on their wings and I hot glued them on. 

Fairy Dust Necklaces - The kiddos carefully filled their fairy jars.  Once they were done, Ms. Sara super glued it shut (hopefully). I found these tiny jars in the jewlery department of Hobby Lobby.  So perfect!

We just filled them with regular glitter.

Backyard Fairy Snack - Fairy bread!  A favorite!We also enjoyed fairy sprinkles on apple slices and pretzels dipped in peanut butter.

Our Fairy Terrariums - We created a little fairy garden for our houses to sit in and our fairies to enjoy.  The containers are the tops to cheesecakes that I rescued from the kitchen after a wedding.

Fairy Potions - Also a favorite!  I've been drying flowers for months so we would have fabulous ingredients to use.  We also added glitter and food coloring. 
Tent - 

Fairy Bags - I found these in the party aisle of Wal-Mart.  So cute and perfect for this camp.

Chalk Fairy -

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Summer Camp - Superheroes

Wow!  What a toasty day in June to save the world!  Superheroes unite!

Ring of Power - Oh yum! (Ring pops)  The rings gave us super powers!

Letters - We added our letters to our capes.  I made the capes from felt, with Velcro at the neck. 

Hero Clothing - I LOVE it when the kiddos come dressed for the day!

Capes and Bags -

Practice our Hero Breath - Bubbles - Drat, I didn't get a picture of this.  A few of the kiddos blew bubbles to help them be ready to fight the monster.

Monster Prep - The kiddos helped me prep our monster to fight by coloring ...

Alert - Monster Attack! - T-Rex - Our rings of power gave us the strength to fight monsters with laser beams!  (Dyed water in squirt bottles).

Seriously, this was the kiddos FAVORITE thing we did.  And we created several more monsters to fight.  So cool!

Creating our Next Monster - Giant Crab - I loved how the kiddos got so into it!  I drew the basic shape, then they added tons of details.

Crab Attack! -

Pterodactyl Attack - As soon as the kiddos were satisfied with their monster scene, I'd hang it up and they'd get their lasers refilled, then go to battle!

Next Monster - Giant Eagle - 

Decorating Masks and Capes - The masks I got from Michel's back during Halloween.  The capes I made.

HOT - It got a bit toasty today.  I had a few younger kiddos who were all about splashing around in the pool. - Dinosaurs and trucks and everything else!