Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Apple Science

Continuing our theme of apples this week, I did some apple science today with my four year olds.  We started by cutting an apple in half (along the equator) to find the hidden star inside.

We pulled the seeds out and counted them and then examined the seed pockets.  Next we cut up the apple and ate it dipped in carmel.  Yum!

We also had some dehydrated apples.   After tasting a few pieces we talked about what made them different from the other apple we just ate.  I told them that the water has been taken out of these apples to dry them.  So we decided to float a few pieces of dried apple in water and see what would happen.  We made some predictions and then let them sit.  After twenty minutes or so, we came back and tasted and felt the soaking apple bits.  They were soft and puffier and pretty much tasted like a normal apple, though a bit watery.

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