Friday, April 26, 2019

Ww Week

Welcome to our wacky, wonderful Ww Week!  
Ms. Sara's favorite letter!

W Clothing - This kiddo found that her shoes had a "washable" tag.  So cool!

World Soccer - The kiddos played a bit of indoor soccer with the world.  I found a beach ball globe at the Dollar Store.

Tube Worm - We talked about where worms live and when we see them etc...  Then kiddos colored their paper towel tube.  When they were done, I added googly eyes and cut the slits so it could wiggle like a worm.

Snack - Watermelon - A tasty W treat!

PinWheel - Wind - We talked about different things that can be moved by wind, we came up with a pretty good list.  Then we moved our pinwheels with our own wind.

Window -  A kiddo decided to hop in his car this way!  Ha!  Perfect for our W week!
Bee's Wax - A kiddo brought in some bee's wax to show us!  It would so cool to see up close and to imagine the bees working in it! 

Snack - Waffles - Oh yum!

World Wildlife Watch - The kiddos and I went on an adventure.  We walked around looking for wildlife.  We found an ocean full or critters and animals in the savannahs and forests!  It was great!  First we took a picture (and or a video) then we would sketch the animal.


Water Guns - A beautifully Warm day for water!

Watermelon - Toddlers - The kiddos painted their watermelon red (I put the green and the eyes on earlier).
The preschooler's watermelons ...

Journal Time - W&Ws - A kiddo had a great idea, that M&Ms could become W&Ws!!  Yum!

Backyard - Wet - We had a bit of rain today that sent us back inside!  But it fit great for Ww week!

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