Friday, April 12, 2019

Kk Week

Welcome to our Kk week!  So very fun!

Kk Clothing - This kiddo wore her Keens!  Perfect.

Paper Bag Kites - The kiddos colored their bags, then we added string and streamers for a tail.  Then we took them outside and flew them.  Some kiddos needed to continue working so we set up a table outside.

Backyard - Such a nice warm day!  Yahoo kites!!

Kazoo - Noisy fun! I found some simple ones at a party store.  The kiddos had a bit of a tricky time figuring out the right sound to make to get their kazoos to make a noise, but once they got it, the room was full of the lovely sound of kazoos.

Kk is for Kiss - Yum!  We enjoyed some kisses candies during journal time.

Snack - Kraft Mac and Cheese - Yum! A kiddo came up with this fabulous idea!

Tape Karate Chop - The kiddos remembered this activity from early in the year and asked if we could do it today.  Perfect for Kk week and perfect for a snowy cold day!

We ran a piece of masking tape between two chairs, then karate chopped it!!!

Key Chains - This was an experiment of sorts.  We put pony beads in the bottom of a cupcake pan and melted them in the oven.  
In theory I was suppose to pull them out of the oven at just the right time that there were still holes, ha!  That didn't happen.  So rats, we didn't end up with a hole in our art to put our key ring on. 
But we did learn!  One kiddo happened to use one wooden bead, which of course didn't melt!  So she ended up with the only key ring!!  We will try this again on Monday if the kiddos want to.
I saw this idea on this blog:  HERE.  We only baked ours for 10 to 15 minutes.

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