Friday, November 11, 2016

Dd Week

Welcome to our dandy Dd week!

Fancy Tp Dinosaurs - I saw this cute tp dinosaur on this blog:  Here!
Googly eyes and eyes with lashes!

Door Journey - There is this book that the kiddos love, where a little girl draws a door with a magic crayon and enters to find a whole wonderful world and had some adventures.  Today I invited the kiddos to create their own magical world.  What would they find when they opened their door....
Image result for book journey      Image result for book journey
This kiddo drew a unicorn and another drew himself sledding. 

This kiddo drew herself some place fancy with her mom and a wreath on the door. 

This kiddo drew himself diving in the ocean and another kiddo created a jungle with a monkey.
And this kiddo drew her mom at the door and a cat inside.
Snack - Donuts - A little preview for Wednesday when we'll make donuts!

Cave - Deer or Dinosaur - The kiddos chose a deer or dinosaur, then they created a habitat for their critter.  We talked a bit about what their animals eat and what they would need near their cave.  These are just my usual caves made from Dial soap boxes.

Paper Plate Donuts - The kiddos added big sprinkles (the tissue paper).  Then they ate them!  Just kidding....  Next time I think we'll paint the "donut" then add sprinkles.  I think real sprinkles could be fun or dyed rice.
For the toddlers I used the smaller paper plates and put a coat of brown paint on them.

Making Donuts - Yum!  We made baked donuts today, they were yummy!  We made a simple baked recipe (I used a donut pan), then the kiddos decorated them.  They were yummy!

Wallet - A favorite in the dress up bin is the wallet full of used gift cards.  The kiddos LOVE playing with the cards.  I just occasionally ask when at a store if they have any used gift cards I could have for my preschool, they have always just handed them right over.

Dragons - These fire breathing dragons roared quite a bit while they were being created.
This kiddo added wings to his dragon.

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