Monday, October 1, 2018

Nn Week

Welcome to our nifty Nn week! 

Night Preschool - How fun that we got to spend a day in preschool with no power!  Pjs welcome and perfect for Nn week.

Nn Clothing - A kiddo wore her nightgown!!  Perfect!

Abc Bracelet - With flashlights and glow bracelets!  Makes it lots more fun! 

Free Play - Glow Stick Building - I accidentally bought a pack of glow sticks with building connectors!  Happy accident!

Nocturnal Animals and Nest Building - We talked about all the animals we could think of that come out at night (Owls, bats, fireflies, crickets, raccoons, skunks ...  lions, tigers, panthers, cougars...)  So cool!   We decided to make a nest for some owls.

Snack - Name - Nick spelled his name in pretzels!!

Backyard - Nut Cracking in Nature - We have a bunch of walnuts all over the yard, the kiddos have found a bunch of ways to use them.  Today a kiddo was trying to brake a few open so I pulled out a mallet for him to use.

Ninjas - Today was our stealthy ninja day.  Check out our ninjas...  These cuties wore a ninjago shirt and a ninja costume.   We also did t-shirt ninja masks for everyone.

Ninja Mission - In one of our favorite ninja books, the little ninja's mission is to eat chocolate ice cream.  So of course we had to eat some too!
Image result for nighttime ninja

Notebooks - Every ninja needs a notebook to keep track of their missions.  I found these notebooks on clearance at Michael's.
This kiddo drew a fabulous ninja in hers!

Craft Stick Ninjas -  This is a favorite activity.  So quick and easy and super cute!

Snack - Noodles - Surely a ninja's favorite meal!

Neckties - Ha!  Several of them wanted to draw theirs just like their dad's.

Snack - Nachos - Cheesy chips!  Yum!

Race Track - Toddlers - Look what we found at Best Buy for $10!!  The kiddos LOVED it!

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