Friday, September 7, 2018

First Week - Germs and Fire Safety

Welcome our new preschool year!

Science - Glitter Germs - We talked about how germs are invisible to our eyes, but they are there.  To show this I put lotion on the kiddos hands, then sprinkled them with glitter "germs".  We talked about covering our cough in our elbow, down our shirt or in a tissue so our hands don't become germ-y.  We then took our glittered/germ-y hands to our toys and tables...

Washing Germs - Washing the glitter off takes a bit of time, which was also good to talk about washing well.

Cover Your Cough -

Journals - The kiddos created a fire in their journal with tape.

Science - Fire - We talked about what a fire needs (air and fuel), we also talked about what to do if fire gets on you (stop, drop and roll).  We did our first class fire drill.  And then we tried some fire science.  
We know a fire needs air, so we put a glass over our candle to see what would happen ... the fire went out!  We also squirted out the flame on a candle and blew it out too.

"Toasted" Marshmallows - We used our fancy, felt, safe fire to "roast" marshmallows.  Yum!

Put out the fire! - The kiddos worked at firefighters again to put out the "flames" (shaving cream) on our toy house.

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