Friday, March 16, 2018

Hh Week and some St. Patty Day stuff

Happy Happy Hh week!

Hot Cocoa - How fortuitous that we would be playing in the snow and want hot cocoa on Hh week!

Clean Up - Helping Hands - The kids helped each other clean up!  Actually, they do this quite often, and I love it!  It just really fits on Hh week!

Helping Hands - We talked about the many ways we can use our hands for helping and how that makes us feel HAPPY!

Hh Clothing - Hat!

Hh Clothing - Heart sweater and Ms. Sara wore her hot dog shirt!

Front Yard - Our poor snow mound is all soft and melty...  But the kiddos enjoyed climbing on it, then they played spy.

Snack - Hot Dogs - One of Ms. Sara's favorites!

Hh Horse - The kiddos did a great job of transforming their big H into a lovely horse.

Hair Cut - Toddlers - (The older kiddos did this for a learning station.)  The kiddos drew a face, then got to give their little guy a hair cut!  We did talk about how we only cut paper, not real hair.


Fingernail Painting - Painting our nails green for St. Patty's tomorrow. 

Hamburger Cookies - The kids were a bit leery about my idea until they saw the ingredients.  Then they were full on excited.  They were pretty tasty too!
I saw this cute idea on this blog:  Here!

Building a Leprechaun Trap - The kiddos let their imaginations work as they created an enticing habitat for a Leprechaun to maybe visit.  We will have to wait until Monday to see if any Leprechauns visited the preschool.

Kiddo:  "I'm going to be rich!  Then I'm going to Build-A-Bear!"
Kiddo:  "My trick is going to be perfect!"  She was creating a trap door on the top of her trap.

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