Thursday, May 28, 2015

End of Year Wrap Up

The end of the school year always comes with mixed feelings.  I'm guessing all teachers feel this way.  We're as excited about summer break as the kiddos are, but we sure are going to miss these sweet kiddos!

Yearbooks - Either because I'm crazy or I need another project to do (ha!) I make each of the kiddos a yearbook.  Their book includes a few class pictures from the year and favorite moments.  It also has a picture of each of their classmates with a space for each of them to draw something.  I also include their picture from the first day of preschool and one from the last month of preschool, so they can see how much they've grown.

I bind the journals myself, using the Japanese Stab Binding technique.  It's quick and easy and allows for any size I want to create as well as any number of pages.  I also create a larger one for myself so each of the kiddos can draw me a picture next to their photo.

The title page includes a picture of the kiddo (so with an easy flip, any kiddo can know whose book they've got) as well as the school year and name of the preschool (I'm a scrapbooker).

Certificate - I like to make a simple certificate to mark the year spent in preschool.  I don't do all the graduation stuff, just a simple celebration with the kiddos.  We eat cookies and work in each other's yearbooks.

Smart cookies - I found the sticker in the bottom corner at, here is the link: cookie

End of Year Gift - I love the chance to give a parting gift to my kiddos.  I hunt the clearance bins all year to find stuff.  Sometimes my best sucess is the dollar aisles at Target and Michael's or the Dollar Store.

My gift theme is always summer fun.  This year I found small sand toys at Target  and band-aids (Avengers and My Little Ponys).  I also love to include a book or two.  I get these from Scholastic with my bonus points earned all year (the kiddos heading off to kindergarten always get a special book about school).  Bubbles are a must (Dollar Store) and I found pinwheels on sale at Hobby Lobby.  My last fabulous find this year were snakes from a local museum gift shop.

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