Gg Clothing - Green! - What a great color for this class! Nearly everyone had it on today, even Ms. Sara!
Free Play - Pumpkin Rolling -Back by popular demand.
Tulle Ghosts -These cute little ghosts flew all over the room... I think next time we should do 2 or 3 layers of tulle so the color pops better and use googly eyes. I had a bunch of tulle leftover from a project and thought this would be a good way to use some of it.
Backyard - Raking Leaves -Well, there were just enough leaves to scrap together a small pile for jumping and sliding into.
Science - Baking - Spooky Gingerbread Men - Yummy and creepy!
Decorating -
Garbage Truck - What perfect timing on our Gg week!
Journal Time - Gummy Bears - Today during journal time we enjoyed a yummy Gg snack!
Ghost - The kiddos decorated their ghost in collage style with all the white items I found in my craft bin.