Friday, February 26, 2016

Jj Week

Welcome to jumping Jj week! 

Feely Bag - Jj Week - Jewel, jet, jar, jingle bell, jaguar and jigsaw puzzle piece.

Journal Time - Jj - Jar (I found this fabulous jar stamp in the Michael's dollar bin.  The kiddos drew something yummy to put in their jar), jewels, jam (I made a small piece of construction paper bread for the kiddos to glue in their journal.  Once finished they added "jam" - glitter glue.),
Jelly beans!  We got to munch a few then we drew them in our journals.

Snow Cave - Oh, our poor snow cave.  It looks sadder and sadder each school day.

Jeweled Rings - The kiddos were pretty jazzed about getting some bling.

Jar - Mouse Count - In circle time we read a favorite book and then decided to make our own bits so we could act it out.  The kiddos decorated milk jug lids to be mice and then made a tp snake.
Image result for mouse count book

Healthy Heart - A Mom made this game for an older brother's class and shared it with us.  The kiddos loved it!  They tossed a bean bag heart to pick an exercise, then drew a card to see how many to do.

Jumping Jacks ... perfect for Jj week!

Jam Painting - Youngsters and Toddlers - Ha! This was super fun.  The kiddos painted glitter glue jam on their bread!

Jam and Biscuit Making - Yum!  First we chopped up the strawberries...
Then we mashed them and added the sugar and pectin.

Next we made the biscuits.  The kiddos voted to make them blue.  We rolled them and cut them out...
 Isn't our jam beautiful!  It's tasty too! 

Backyard - Wonderful Mud - The sun was shining in the window while we were working, so we just had to go out in the backyard to play, even though it was a bit muddy.

Tickets - These are the best!  I found a whole roll at Saver's!

Journey Journals - We LOVE this book and decided to make our own.  The kiddos chose a cereal box and Ms. Sara made a quick journal.  Then the kiddos started creating their own journey story.

In the book, there are no words, just fabulous pictures.  It tells the story of a little girl who finds a magic crayon and has an adventure and meets a new friend.
One kiddo began her story with herself (purple) and her brother.  Her brother has the magic crayon.
Another kiddo began his story with himself and a magic crayon.  Another kiddo decided to recreate the story from the book.  On this page the girl in the book is trapped in a cage without her magic crayon and a friend bird brings it back to her.  Then she draws a magic carpet and escapes.
Here are the journals...
Paper J - Isn't this great!  One of the kiddos created several of these to decorate the classroom with.

Snack - Jello Jigglers - Wahoo! Yummy and jiggly!

Backyard - Sunshine and Chalk Paint - A kiddo brought us some fabulous neon chalk paint that we quite enjoyed.  

 They were great fun in the snow and on the sidewalk as well.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Learning Station - Cutting Practice - Youngsters and Toddlers

The kiddos practiced by cutting between the stickers.  When they were all done, they put their pieces in an envelope to take home and show off.

Learning Station - Jelly Bean Tasting -

Today we tasted and graphed our opinions on the different colors of jelly beans. The kiddos tasted then drew a happy or sad face in the box based on what they thought.  

Monday, February 22, 2016

Learning Station - Jack Be Nimble...

The kiddos were excellent jumpers!  They really liked this one.

"(kiddo's name) be nimble, (kiddo) be quick!  (Kiddo) jump over the candlestick!"

Friday, February 19, 2016

Learning Station - Animal Sort - Toddlers

The kiddos worked together to sort land animals from water animals.  They did a great job!

Learning Station - Zig Zag - Cutting

This was great cutting practice even though it was a bit tricky for the younger cutters. 
The preschoolers had no trouble with this station, they zipped right through it!.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Zz Week!

Welcome to our zippy Zz week! 

Circle Time - We tried and tried to think up all the Zz words.  Here is what I came up with for our feely bag:  zebra, zip-loc, zero, zipper, zucchini, and zig zag.

Journal Time - Zz Week - They could write or stamp the word zoo.

Our Own Personal Zoo - The kiddos got to choose a zoo animal, then make a habitat/exhibit for it.  So fun!  We chatted about the different animals and what sort of things they would need and would feel comfortable with.  We also talked about their food and how we would need to take care of them.

I cut the side out of Dial soap boxes.  

Cash Register - The kiddos were sorting the coins into the cash register.  We had a chat about the coin's worth not matching up with their different sizes.

Snack - Edible Zoo - Yum!  The kiddos used animal crackers, gummy snakes, peanut butter, ritz crackers, graham crackers and candy corn to create mini zoos to eat.  (I was cleaning out the snack drawer, ha!)

Warmish Weather! - Great for chalk drawings but a bit sad for our snow cave!
Mermaids, narwhals and unicorns.

Play Dough Zoo - We dumped out the zoo animals and started creating...

Zip Line - This was oodles of fun!  The kiddos drew a picture of them self and one of a friend or sibling to race the zip lines with.  Ms. Sara taped zip lines (yarn) all over the preschool.  And off they went zipping!  If you find coils of yarn in your kiddo's bag, it's rolled up zip line.

I cut jumbo craft sticks in half and hot glued an open paper clip on the back.  To cut I used an uber cutter, you can find it on Amazon.  It's a fabulous cutter!
Image result for uber cutter 
Circle Time - Size compare to different animals.
 Image result for actual size book

 Toddler Fun - Cutting practice and their favorite, the bean bin.