Zz Cothing - Wahoo! Look what these 2 ladies found to wear! So cool! Zebra and zig zags!
Snack - Edible Zoo - The kiddos created a safe place for their animal crackers to hang out before they ate them. Ha! We chatted about all the different animals you might see in a zoo while we munched and worked.

Play Dough Zoo - We made homemade play dough! So nice and soft! Then the kiddos created their own zoos.
A zoo ball? Ha!
An aquarium...
Rainbow Beans - We left these out from last week. I love how this kiddo just climbed right in. Ha!
Zz Zebra - Youngsters - The kiddos turned a letter Zz into a cute zebra.
Pizza Dough Making - Today is our pizza day! Oh yum! We started the dough right away so it had time to rise...
More Zz Clothing - More zig zags! Then we found a Zz on a kiddo's "laces".

Another Zz on his shoe and this kiddo made Zz with our letter sticks.

Making Pizza - Yeah! The kiddos were surprised to see how much the dough had grown! First they shaped their pizzas...
Zip Liners - The kiddos created these cute little people to enjoy our zip line. It is just a cut jumbo craft stick with an opened paperclip hot glued to the back.
Zip Line - Wahoo! Tape some yarn at a steep angle and taa daa you have a wonderful zip line that these little guys cruise on!