Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Zz Week

Welcome to our zany Zz week!

Zz Cothing - Wahoo!  Look what these 2 ladies found to wear!  So cool!  Zebra and zig zags!

Snack - Edible Zoo - The kiddos created a safe place for their animal crackers to hang out before they ate them.  Ha!  We chatted about all the different animals you might see in a zoo while we munched and worked.

Play Dough Zoo - We made homemade play dough!  So nice and soft!  Then the kiddos created their own zoos.
A zoo ball?  Ha!
An aquarium...

Rainbow Beans - We left these out from last week.  I love how this kiddo just climbed right in.  Ha!

Zz Zebra - Youngsters - The kiddos turned a letter Zz into a cute zebra.

Pizza Dough Making - Today is our pizza day!  Oh yum!  We started the dough right away so it had time to rise...

More Zz Clothing - More zig zags!  Then we found a Zz on a kiddo's  "laces".
Another Zz on his shoe and this kiddo made Zz with our letter sticks.

 Estelle and Stephen turned the Nn on their shoes sideways so it made a Zz!

Making Pizza - Yeah!  The kiddos were surprised to see how much the dough had grown!  First they shaped their pizzas... 
Then added toppings...
We tried to mark pizza's by creating a letter in cheese on top.

Zz for Zebra - Toddlers - These look like unicorns, but I promise they are zebras!  Ha!  The kiddos were to add stripes a tail and a face.  So fun!

Zip Liners - The kiddos created these cute little people to enjoy our zip line.  It is just a cut jumbo craft stick with an opened paperclip hot glued to the back.

Zip Line - Wahoo!  Tape some yarn at a steep angle and taa daa you have a wonderful zip line that these little guys cruise on!

Learning Station - Zig Zag Cutting

I wasn't sure if this would be tricky or not.  The older kiddos did it lickety-split!  The younger ones had a bit more trouble, but that's just dandy because they've got another year before Kindergarten!
The Youngsters had a lot harder time, which is understandable.  No worries, it was simply practice.

Monday, March 20, 2017

Learning Station - Zz - Youngsters

This was a bit zany!  The kiddos could walk the letter Zz like a tight rope (this was a bit tricky) ...
 ... or drive it with cars. 

Learning Station - Zoo Writing

The kiddos picked an animal and found it's matching word card.  Ms. Sara drew a picture on the back of the card of the animal in case anyone needed help reading.  My early readers looked for the beginning letter.

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Saint Patrick's Day

Yahoo!  St. Patrick's Day was on a preschool day.  That always makes it more fun!

Leprechaun Stones - Turns out our class Leprechaun left us some stones.  We found them all over the yard!

Once we found them all, we used some magic Leprechaun potion (vinegar - the coins were covered in a baking soda paste) to dissolve them and find the treasure inside...  There were gold coins inside!
I saw this cute idea on this blog:  Here!

Leprechaun Traps - Recycled - The kiddos hurried inside to see how their traps did ...  The kiddos made traps using recycled materials and every bit of green we could find. 

No one caught him!  Drat!  But he did take the suckers we left him and he left us a treasure...  (GOLD fish crackers and Leprechaun poop - Kisses) ... He also left us a treasure hunt outside...

We just had to follow the rainbow (yarn)...
He left us Lucky Charms to munch!  Oh yum!

Journal Time - The Leprechaun turned all of our markers GREEN!  And he walked all over our journals leaving footprints ...  and he left us some snazzy stickers!

Free Play - Rainbow Beans! - Look what else the Leprechaun left for us...
The boys were trying to fill the house...
Craft Stick Leprechauns - A few of the kiddos didn't want to trap the Leprechaun, they wanted to create a home for him.  So during free play they created their own leprechauns.  (Jumbo craft sticks cut into thirds, felt hat, Sharpie faces)

Pot 'O Gold - The kiddos painted their wee pots with fingernail polish, then filled them with gold beads.

I saw this idea on this blog:  Here!

Science - Turning Pennies Green - Since St. Patrick's Day is Friday, we thought we'd see if we could turn pennies green.  We inspected our shiny pennies, then put them on a vinegar soaked paper towel...  

Day 1 -
Day 3 - Hmmm  ...  I thought they would be more green.  But we decided that maybe we shouldn't have left the lid on the container (smelly vinegar), that maybe the pennies need oxygen and vinegar to turn green.  So we'll see how they do from today to Friday.

Oh and don't be alarmed by the orange paper towel, that was just food coloring bits from another project. 
Day 5 - It worked!  Wahoo!
See more information on this blog:  Here!