Marble Run - Oh this was a hit!
Science - Colored Milk - We
tried something a bit zany today. We dropped food coloring in milk,
then added a drop of dish soap and wow! The color scattered! So cool.
Take a peek at this blog where I found this idea for more explanation: Here!Snack - Chocolate Milk - Yum! The kiddos love to blow bubbles in their water, so today when they started up, they found an amazing discovery!
Huge, fabulous bubbles!
Graphing - M&Ms - What a yummy way to check out graphing. First the kiddos estimated (smart guess) how many M&Ms they had. Then they counted them, and they graphed them. Then finally they got to eat them!
Find the printable on this blog: Here!
The ladies were super excited about the jewels for their mermaid's shells. I had intended the jewels for decoration on their tails. Ha! We also tried braiding a mermaid's hair.
The younger kiddos painted with water colors...
Snow - We're always happy to have fresh snow to play in!
Dish Washer Monsters - The kiddos were admiring the large monster I made for the learning station. They asked if they could make one too. I dug around in the closet and emptied the dw soap container from upstairs and we had just enough!
I loved the creativity and personality the kiddos gave their monsters!
Feeding the Monsters - As the kiddos finished their monsters, they began feeding them all sorts of items from the classroom!

Science - Mummies - We looked at a few pictures of real mummies and briefly talked about what they are. We also talked about real mummies verses pretend ones. Then we decided to turn a few toys into mummies.
Kiddo Mummification - The kiddos asked if they could become mummies ... sure!
Tape Mummy - The kiddos used tape as wrappings for this mummy.
So cute!
Go Away Big Green Monster! - The kiddos have been LOVING this book this week, so I figured we should make a big green monster of our own.
Slushy Snow - This kiddo was loving stomping on the slushy snow. He was also wondering why some of the snow was a different color, so we talked about how snow changes as it melts... And then we went right on stomping.
Big Green Monster - Toddlers - I love it when one of the little ones will pull out a book to read during play time. Then before we know it all our little friends have joined us. Yeah for reading together!
Magnetic wands - The kiddos enjoyed playing with the magnetic wands and found that they push and pull against each other. Awesome observation!
Moon Phases - Using the globe and a ball, we talked about how the moon moves around the earth and how the sun shines on it and makes it glow. As the moon moves around us we get the different phases of the moon ...
Then we made a fold out. Now the kiddos can look at the moon and use their fold out to tell you what phase the moon is in. Cool, huh!
Pictured below: The kiddos cut punched out circles to create the different phases.
Oreo Moon Phases - Then we decided to try out our new knowledge on some Oreos ... tasty science.
Snack - Macaroni and Cheese - Yum!
Movie - While eating snack we watched my favorite: There is a Monster at the end of this Book. We read it during circle time.
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