Snow! - Isn't this lovely! We got fresh snow for Ss week!
We tried to make mini snowmen for an experiment, but our new snow was too dry and wouldn't stick together. Drat! Fortunately Ms. Sara had frozen a few snowballs over the weekend (just in case the forecast didn't hold true). We made a snowman for outdoors and one for indoors.

Snow Surprise! - "Snow" covered our classroom floor! The kiddos enjoyed sliding and stomping and slipping ... Such great Ss words!
Science - Snowman Melt Experiment - It was time to observe our indoor snowman, to see if he was melting any... The snow in the bowl was half melted and our head had fallen off.
The kiddos correctly hypothesized that it was warmer inside the preschool, so the indoor snowman would melt first. ... Smart cookies!
We ran outside and checked on our outdoor snowman too. The snow in the bowl was all still there and he didn't look like he had melted at all.

Snack - Snap Peas - The kiddos enjoyed snapping their peas in half and also holding them up to the light to see how many peas were inside.
The final check before it was time to go home. Had we been able to use snow instead of frozen snow, I think our indoor snowman would have melted completely before it was time to go home. That would have been more dramatic. But this worked too.
Stick Puppet Snowmen - The kiddos had fun personalizing their snowman.
Here are how the Youngsters' puppets turned out...
Shoveling - Yeah for snow!
Snow play!
Spider Visitor - We found this little visitor in our classroom today ... he came just for Ss week!
Snowman Melt Experiment - Indoor - Day 3 - No surprise here! All melted.
Circle Time - Snakes - The kiddos thoroughly enjoyed slithering around on the floor.
100 Snowmen - This is one of our favorite books. Today we discovered just how many snowman that really is! (A LOT!) The kiddos stamped and stamped and stamped ... then we counted together to make sure they had the right amount.
Snack - S'mores - There are so many yummy things that start with the letter Ss! I chose yummy, simple s'mores.
I tossed them in the oven under the broiler for a few moments ... taa daa! Nice and toasted.
Shadow Tracing - We just started working on this when moms came. We were super excited to see the sun!
Spider Spout Tube - Youngsters - Ha! We sang "Itsy Bitsy Spider" while our spider climbed up and down in our water spout tube.
Itsy Bitsy House - Youngsters - Now the kiddos made a house with a spout on the side.
Here is what the toddler's looked like:
Science - Solid to Liquid - First we worked with ice. The kiddos came up with numerous ideas for melting it. They liked using their mouths and hot water. Next we melted chocolate chips ... on the tongue was the favorite option.
Spy - Laser Obstacle Course - This was a hit! The kiddos created it themselves... A lot of yarn and tape ...

The kiddos wanted to leave up all their hard work so that instead of spy lasers for this week it would become webs for next week (Ww). Ha! Nope! But I told them they could make it again.
River Watch - A kiddo discovered the beginnings of a river. It was snow melt from the snow they had been throwing off the yard. We followed the river as it ran.

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