Then marshmallows! - Yum! Of course they got to munch them once they finished.
Monday, February 27, 2017
Learning Station - Forming Mm
The kiddos formed the letter M using first markers .......
Then marshmallows! - Yum! Of course they got to munch them once they finished.
The younger kiddos put their marshmallows on the M...
Then marshmallows! - Yum! Of course they got to munch them once they finished.
Friday, February 24, 2017
Yy Week
Welcome to our Yippy-skippy Yy week!
Yy Clothing - Wahoo!

Yarn People - Ha! These turned out fun. Using their wrapping skills from the learning station, the kiddos wrapped yarn to create hair and clothing for their people.
Princesses and surfer dudes...

Snack - Yy - Yogurt, yellow bananas, and a kiddo even brought yellow carrots to share!

Canning Jar Rings - I was donated a whole bunch of jars. We used some of the jars last week for vases. This week some of the kiddos played with the rings. They made excellent bracelets, and rings for our tubes.
Yawn! - Youngsters - Another fabulous Yy word! The kiddos took a look in the mirror of themselves yawning, then we tried to re-create it on paper. The kiddos noticed that their mouths were open really big and that their eyes were scrunched.
A few of our yawning kiddos....

Chalk - Our T-Rex ate a few things... a pine cone, a pickle and some broccoli.
Taped Yarn - Toddlers - For our Yy activity, we taped yarn down. Great fine motor work.
Journal Time - Yum or Yuck - The kiddos tasted a strawberry candy and decided if it was yummy or yucky.
Tp Yodas - Aren't these cute! I saw this idea on a blog and tweaked it: Here!
Snack - Yum or Yuck - Today the kiddos tried a few things... They could smell it, lick it or best yet: taste it!

Yarn People - Ha! These turned out fun. Using their wrapping skills from the learning station, the kiddos wrapped yarn to create hair and clothing for their people.
Princesses and surfer dudes...
The boys surfing the waves...
I saw this great idea on this blog: Here!Snack - Yy - Yogurt, yellow bananas, and a kiddo even brought yellow carrots to share!
Canning Jar Rings - I was donated a whole bunch of jars. We used some of the jars last week for vases. This week some of the kiddos played with the rings. They made excellent bracelets, and rings for our tubes.
Yawn! - Youngsters - Another fabulous Yy word! The kiddos took a look in the mirror of themselves yawning, then we tried to re-create it on paper. The kiddos noticed that their mouths were open really big and that their eyes were scrunched.
A few of our yawning kiddos....
Cereal Box - Stair Race Track - Toddlers - The
kiddos looked like they needed a bit more adventure today, so cut up
some donated cereal boxes and created dual race tracks down either side
of the stairs. They LOVED it!
I like it because they can be active going up and down the stairs, but with purpose, and getting wiggles out on an inside day.
Taped Yarn - Toddlers - For our Yy activity, we taped yarn down. Great fine motor work.
Shoveling Fun - I asked Mr. Adam not to shovel so that the kiddos could do it. They had fun!
Journal Time - Yum or Yuck - The kiddos tasted a strawberry candy and decided if it was yummy or yucky.
Tp Yodas - Aren't these cute! I saw this idea on a blog and tweaked it: Here!
Snack - Yum or Yuck - Today the kiddos tried a few things... They could smell it, lick it or best yet: taste it!
Wednesday, February 22, 2017
Learning Station - Yarn Wrapped Y
The kiddos tried their skills at wrapping and covering the letter Yy in yarn. This is the wrapping art of the Youngsters. The older class was able to get the yarn wrapped all over the letter.
Friday, February 17, 2017
Valentine's Day and Vv Week
Welcome to a very Vv week with Valentine's Day!
Valentine Box - Decorating - The kiddos were sooooo very excited to get to their valentines, so we right to work decorating our boxes.
This kiddo was so excited to fill her box that she started putting everything she could find in there! Ha.
Lined up and all ready...
Valentine Box - Delivering - Oh! The moment everyone has been waiting for...

Love Monster - Toddlers - The kiddos paused in their play to create their love monsters. These monsters really like to give hugs.
Snack - Valentine's - The kiddos are invited to bring a snack to share to our party day. One mom made these fabulous love bugs!
Vase - The kiddos painted jars today to become beautiful vases. Here are the jars drying...
Doily Flowers - Painting - To put in our vases. I saw the idea for these on this blog: Here!
Vase and Flowers - With our vases and flowers dried, all we needed to do was to create our flowers from the doilies.
Kiddo: "I am going to keep this until I'm so old! Like 10!"
Backyard - Mud Ice - Wahoo! The kiddos discovered that our mud had frozen. They immediately dumped it all out and stomped on the ice.

Scraping the mud off the mud table. Thanks kiddos!
Snow Cave - The tail end of our snow cave.
Science - Vegetables - The kiddos LOVED investigating the vegetables. They asked if they could eat some of them ... Sure! Of course! Munch, munch...
We talked
about how each vegetable grew and we looked for its seeds, we pulled
them apart.
Veggie Painting - Once we had finished our investigating, we pulled out the paints. We talked about printing and brushing and other ways you could paint with veggies. Then the kiddos got to it...
This kiddos used a carrot as a pen!
Rolling a tomato...
Ha! Painting with wilted lettuce.
Veggies make beautiful prints!
Volcano Scene - Youngsters - The kiddos created a lava spewing volcano! We watched a few short videos of volcanoes erupting and oozing.
Egg Cartons - I have a good supply of egg cartons, so I've been looking for ways to incorporate them into play. Backyard is a great place for them! So many treasures to fine and hold!
Climbing up the slide - such great muscle movement, strength, coordination...
Today was our volcano day!
Baking our Volcanoes - First off we whipped up a batch of volcano cupcakes and lava pudding, then hopped back downstairs to start our day like usual.
Creating our Volcano Cupcakes - Yum! With our cupcakes cooled, we headed up stairs to make our yummy volcanoes.
Cut off the top and munch it...Fill it with as much lava as possible, making sure to have it goo down the sides...Now eat one! And take the rest home!
Science - Baking Soda & Vinegar Volcanoes - Smelly but oh so fun! Nothing fancy here, just good classic fun!
Valentine Box - Decorating - The kiddos were sooooo very excited to get to their valentines, so we right to work decorating our boxes.
This kiddo was so excited to fill her box that she started putting everything she could find in there! Ha.
Lined up and all ready...
Valentine Box - Delivering - Oh! The moment everyone has been waiting for...

Snack - Valentine's - The kiddos are invited to bring a snack to share to our party day. One mom made these fabulous love bugs!
Vase - The kiddos painted jars today to become beautiful vases. Here are the jars drying...
Vase and Flowers - With our vases and flowers dried, all we needed to do was to create our flowers from the doilies.
Kiddo: "I am going to keep this until I'm so old! Like 10!"
Backyard - Mud Ice - Wahoo! The kiddos discovered that our mud had frozen. They immediately dumped it all out and stomped on the ice.
Scraping the mud off the mud table. Thanks kiddos!
Snow Cave - The tail end of our snow cave.
Science - Vegetables - The kiddos LOVED investigating the vegetables. They asked if they could eat some of them ... Sure! Of course! Munch, munch...
Veggie Painting - Once we had finished our investigating, we pulled out the paints. We talked about printing and brushing and other ways you could paint with veggies. Then the kiddos got to it...
This kiddos used a carrot as a pen!
Rolling a tomato...
Ha! Painting with wilted lettuce.
Veggies make beautiful prints!
I Love You To Pieces - Family Valentine - Toddlers - As the kiddos were gluing, I was asking who each piece was for. They caught on quickly and started telling me a family member each time.
Egg Cartons - I have a good supply of egg cartons, so I've been looking for ways to incorporate them into play. Backyard is a great place for them! So many treasures to fine and hold!
Climbing up the slide - such great muscle movement, strength, coordination...
Today was our volcano day!
Baking our Volcanoes - First off we whipped up a batch of volcano cupcakes and lava pudding, then hopped back downstairs to start our day like usual.
Creating our Volcano Cupcakes - Yum! With our cupcakes cooled, we headed up stairs to make our yummy volcanoes.
Cut off the top and munch it...Fill it with as much lava as possible, making sure to have it goo down the sides...Now eat one! And take the rest home!
Science - Baking Soda & Vinegar Volcanoes - Smelly but oh so fun! Nothing fancy here, just good classic fun!
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