I taught the kiddos how to fold a simple airplane. A couple kiddos
showed me how they fold airplanes. Cool! The kiddos flew their
airplanes together to see how far they could get them. The toddlers enjoyed simply throwing paper airplanes.
was HARD! The kiddos put on Mr. Adam's BIG snow gloves to pretend they
were astronauts and then they tried to pick up pennies! It was fun to
see the strategies they came up with and how they helped each other.
We have some ardent lovers of the colorgreen in our class, so I thought we'd take a whole week for St. Patrick's this year. Ha! Welcome to green week!
Snow Cave - It's still here!
Leprechaun Wands -
Super quick and easy (except the super, sticky tape) to make and so fun
to run around using it. They were turning each other and toys into all
sorts of things!
St. Patrick's Day Wreath -A little something green to spruce up your home!
Sunshine and Chalk - Wahoo! Our shark may have eaten a few preschoolers...
Well hello snow!
(We were surprised by a snow storm this morning) The kids did a great job helping Mr. Adam reinforce the snow cave.
We'll see if it will now last into April, which will be a real record!
We've never made it into March with a fully intact snow cave!
Cocoa and Snow Ice Cream -This is a family favorite recipe:
1 big bowl of FRESH snow milk sugar vanilla
You just kinda add some ingredients and stir until it's the right consistency and taste. Yummy!
Cereal Rainbow - Yummy and beautiful.
Dye-ing the Snow - The kiddos were super excited to dye this fresh snow! And it went right along with our rainbow theme today!
Leprechaun Traps - We've
been collecting all sorts of containers for the kiddos to use in their
trap creations. We'll see if they catch anything...
kiddos drew a card, and counted that many coins into the cupcake pan.
They LOVED the leprechaun coins and asked if they could take them home.
So enjoy. Ha!
I just drew shamrocks with Sharpie on milk lids.
Toddlers -These cuties enjoyed just moving the "coins" from the bin to their jars.
kiddos sorted out their cereal, then graphed their marshmallows. Once
done they counted each shape and wrote the number below. We also talked
about which shape they had the most of, if they had any shapes that
were the same number etc...
kiddos enjoyed this immensely! They were to "shop" around the
preschool and find at least 10 green items. A few kiddos shopped
continuously. Other kiddos shouted helps while playing. It was great.
Science - Teeth -We talked about our gums and teeth and how we need to brush them twice a day...
Clean Tooth -Our poor tooth is colored from eating ... gotta clean it back up! We painted our tooth white with toothbrushes!
Journals - Trucks -
The kiddos were to draw something in their truck that started with Tt. These two kiddos drew Batman and a ninja eating tater tots. Ha!
Envelope Trash Trucks - We used awesome LARGE envelopes that were donated, added the cab of the truck and some wheels. The kiddos tore scrap paper to act as garbage.
Pet Turtle or Tortoise -
We have talked about the difference between turtles (water) and
tortoises (land) so today the kiddos got to choose which pet they would
like to create.
Trash Trucks - The truck lovers in the class found these trucks to be so great!
Trash Truck -A terrific end to our letter Tt day!
Pocket - Toddler - This cutie had a huge pocket on the front of his shirt. We decided to fill it with blocks. So fun!
Spring Tree - The kiddos thought it was great fun to be adding puzzle pieces for leaves on their trees. Ha!
Snack - Tater Tots - Yum!
Uno - Tt Word - I have a kiddo who LOVES to play Uno. She said, "Ms. Sara! Draw TWO!!"