Marshmallows - We munched marshmallows!
Moon Art - Painting - Day 1 - The kiddos did some texture painted of a moon today. Once it dries it will become part of larger piece of art. I mixed some flour into our paint to give it some texture. I think I should have added more flour because we couldn't quite get craters in it.
Moon Art - Day 2 - Today we created stars from glow in the dark paint by flicking paint with a toothbrush. Once dry we glued on our moon and added some space stickers.
Mummies - We chatted about mummies a bit. How they aren't real (the ones in movies that walk around) but they are real and they can see some in museums.

The 3 year olds used masking tape instead of strips of paper:

Mustaches and a Mirror - Ah! I love these kiddos with their 'staches! I especially love it when they leave them on for a while! Ha! And you have to have a mirror to see how fabulous you look! 

Microphone - As soon as I handed them their microphones they started singing into them! It was great! Once they decorated them we put on some tunes to sing with. And the kiddos "needed" a stage, so they were quite pleased to hop up on the table to sing.

I got this super cute, super easy craft on this blog: Here! and also Here!
Science - Floating M - Oh wow, this was cool! We put our M&Ms in the water, m side up. We let them sit for a while and after the color mostly came off, so did the M! Some kiddos sorted theirs by colors, some just dumped them all in one.
I saw this great experiment on this blog: Here!
Snack - Minion Mac and Cheese - A very Mm snack!!
Milkshakes - Oh yum!
Milk makes the best bubbles!
Melting Snow - The kiddos were delighted to demolish the slushy pathway walls and slide. They left the snow cave untouched, as that is Mr. Adam's pride and joy, ha! And we want to see how far into March we can get with it!
Journal Time - Mom - I had the kiddos draw a picture of their mom and write mom in their journals today.

Trash Truck - It makes everyone's day when we get to see the trash truck in action!
Mm Clothing - Moon and a meteor and "meow"! And the kiddo in the background had on a snowMen shirt!

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