Monday, September 18, 2017

Pirate Day - Arrgh!!

Tuesday (September 19th) is "National Talk Like a Pirate Day"!  In celebration of that we had our pirate day today!

Arrgh! - Pirates - In Target's birthday party aisle, they have wonderful pirate eye patches.  The kids love them and they are durable and inexpensive enough to send each kiddo home with one.
 Image result for target pirate eye patch

Pirate Circle Time - This was a bit silly!  The kiddos squished into our pirate "ship" to do our circle time.  Ahoy matey!

Journal Time - Oh no!  Pirates stole our journals!!!  Fortunately they left us each a map to follow...

We found our journals in some crazy places!  Silly pirates!

Free Play - Ms. Sara made a pirate play mat, complete with an island to bury treasure on and sharks to evade!  Eeek!  

I want to add a bit more to it.  Maybe a school of fish or a sea turtle.  Another smaller island and maybe some seashells... it's a work in progress.  I've also got to figure out the palm trees.
These poor pirates were doomed!

Treasure Boxes - The kiddos decorated their boxes in preparation for our treasure hunt. (Just a Dial soap box)

Snack - Pancake Time - We were going to make pancakes on Friday, but the power went out.  So we made them today.  We made purple pancakes!!
We made some eye patch sized, some with chocolate chips in them and some just normal.

Walk The Plank - Arrgh!  Watch out for the sharks!

Treasure Hunt - I took the kiddos on a hunt all around the backyard.  And we found it!  The treasure chest! 
They were so excited!

 Inside they found gold and goldfish! 

Binoculars - I did binoculars instead of  spy glasses this year because I had a plethora of tp rolls saved up through the summer.  Ha!

Toddlers - Treasure Hunt - In plain sight, ha!  But they were pretty excited to find their GOLDfish!

Science - Exploding Treasure Chests -
Ok, more like fizzing.  But still super cool!  Ms. Sara made baking soda ice cubes (with jewels frozen inside).  The kiddos used eye droppers and vinegar to free their pirate treasure!

We had a bucket to clean off the jewels before we put them in our treasure box.
This cutie pie was DONE with the pipette and vinegar.  He was trying a new method.  Ha!

This fabulous idea came from these blogs: Here! and also Here!

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