Paint Chalk! - So fun! Found these on clearance at Michel's. Wahoo! Lots of fun and vibrant colors.
Look! A baby rolley-polley!
Journal Time - Today we drew a self portrait....
Science - Germs! -
We had a sneeze fest (with squirt bottles)... We chatted about germs in our bodies and how
when we are sick we don't want to share them. When we cough and sneeze
we need to cover it with our arm or down our shirt. So of course the
kiddos wanted to "sneeze" on themselves with the squirt bottle too!
Science - Glitter Germs - Next
we lotion-ed up our hands and I sprinkled an ample supply of "germs" on
them. Then I set them loose to touch things in the preschool...... yes, we have glitter everywhere now. Ha!
On tables ...
... walls, toys ... ... Ms. Sara!
Washing - Germs (like glitter) take a bit to wash off. Soap, rubbing our hands together and probably some singing.
Fuzzy Germs - We decided to make ourselves a germ pet. Ha!
It was a bit tricky cutting, but we got it.
Backyard - Wahoo!
This kiddo was so very excited about this rock he dug up...
Fire Safety - Woah! There was "fire" (shaving cream) on our toy house! We squirted and squirted to put it out....
Then it spread to other toys! Oh dear!

I saw this great idea on this blog: Here!
Window Fire Drill - Always the favorite! We talked about the need for having more than one escape route. And of course we practiced that one too! Out the window and meet at the big tree!
Mini Fires - Ha! I love these! We created a mini fire today with sticks and pipe cleaners.
I got the great idea for these from this blog: Here!
S'Mores - Once we created our fires, Estelle had the lovely idea of making s'mores! She said, if we had a fire, we should have s'mores. Ha! I couldn't argue with that logic! So we "roasted" s'mores.
We took away its air by putting a cup over it, we squirted it with water and then we blew it out.
S'mores Again - These smart kids presented the same argument ... We had a few toasted marshmallows, mostly they were warmed by the candle light, then consumed.
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