Happy October! It's pumpkin time!
Ladder - Just for fun, Ms. Sara pulled out Mr. Adam's small ladder...
Label War - It started out innocently enough. I put a label on a kiddo with a karate chop noise ... ha ha. Soon labels were being stuck on everyone...
Label Handiwork - This kiddo used the labels to create a laser chop hand and ... crumb, I can't remember what he called the other one. But he had fun.
Licorice Break! - We had to munch licorice on Ll week! Yum!
"I Love You" - Sign Language - The kiddos learned how to sign this then we made it.

Lollipop Making - Jolly Ranchers in the oven! So easy and tasty! Set the oven for 250 degrees and leave them in for about 5 minutes, maybe 7. Roll the stick in the melted candy and let cool for a few minutes, then they just lifted right off the foil.
Letter Writing - The kiddos drew pictures as letters then we put them in envelopes and mailed them!
Painting Lizards - I made legs for the lizards with pipe cleaners and hot glued them and their eyes on. The kiddos added color.
Lemon Cookies - Yum! - Always fun to bake with the kiddos.
Science - Making Lemonade - The kiddos made their very own lemonade. First they squeezed their lemons. They worked really hard at this. A few brave souls tried a lemon... Once we squeezed all the lemons, it was time to add sugar!
Pumpkin Rolling - One of our moms brought us this fabulous tube. We started by running cars through it, but one of the kiddos quickly discovered that the pumpkins were much more fun! The sounds made by different objects going through the tube was interesting.
Fashion Plate Barbie - I have a kiddo who loves art projects. She'd rather work on something then play. So today I pulled out this to intrigue here. She enjoyed water color painting the Barbies, when she was done.

Little Van Goes - Which are vans, quickly intrigued the boys. They too enjoyed painting them.
Lollipops - Toddlers - I hot glued a jumbo craft stick to the back of a small paper plate and added a swirl. The littluns painted them. They also got to suck on a lollipop while they painted. They especially liked that.

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