Welcome to our Jumping, Jazzy Jj week!
This is a short week, because it's fall break for the schools.Bowl Jellyfish - We watched some videos of jellyfish swimming, then we created our own!
Hello Jammie day! Everyone was comfy today! Since we missed doing pajama day during Pp week, the kiddos asked for jammie day. So we did!
Jumping Jingle Necklaces - These were a hit! They also helped with some of our wiggles. The kiddos laced beads on either side of their jumping jingle bell. Then they jumped and jingled all over the classroom!

Jam Making - Strawberry - Mmm. Yum! The kiddos did an excellent job squishing up the strawberries... We ate it on toast once it set up a bit.
Jack-O-Lanterns - Perfect Jj craft for October!
And here are the youngster's...
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