Hand Painting - Apple - This is a two day project, here's the teaser...
The kiddos will add the face on the worm and the stem and leaf to the apple.
Hand Print Apple - Part 2 - With our apples all dry we added a leaf, stem and eyes on our worm.

Science Experiment #1 - Germ Scatter - We started out by talking about germ and how they are inside of us, especially when we're sick. So when we cough or sneeze, those germs come flying out. I "sneezed" on them with a squirt bottle...eww!
Next we talked about keeping each other safe from our germs by covering our coughs and sneezes (with a tissue, down the shirt or in the elbow). We also talked about washing our hands.
Now to our experiment. Germs are too small for us to see, so we used pepper to be germs and we watched what happens when you add soap. Each kiddo added a few shakes of pepper... Hint: If you try this at home, you'll want less pepper.
You can see that the pepper floating on top scattered immediately when we added the soap. Even the pepper on the bottom of the bowl scootched away from the soap. Pretty cool!
Science Experiment #2 - Glitter Germs - For this one we pretended glitter were our germs. Ms. Sara gave everyone a bit of lotion and then "sneezed" glitter on everyone's hands. Yuck!
Next we touched each other, our toys, shelves, tables, walls, light switches.... Ah! Glitter germs everywhere!
Backyard - This is my favorite addition to the backyard this year. We got a new swing set, so we took the slide off the old set and sunk it in the hill. So awesome!

Always happy in the mud...
I saved this little water table from a trash bin! Wahoo!
Dirty Hands Clean Hands - We needed some mud for our art project so the kiddos made some and gleefully spread it on the "dirty" hands. Then we "washed" our hands with bubbly soap (bingo paint dabber and glitter - have to have glitter).
Shape Fire Trucks - Toddlers -
Abc Fire Spray - The kiddos helped me write fire letters on the driveway, then they ran around and put them out! In theory they were to tell me what the letter was they were spraying, but we got too excited and skipped that. Ha.
Fire Drill - The preschool is to have monthly fire drills. Today we utilized both fire exits. Out the front door, and our more favorite: out the window!

Science of Fire - We talked about how fire needs air (oxygen) and fuel to burn. What if we take away the air? We put a cup over one candle and it snuffed out after a few moments. Then we used water to put out the next flame. Our last candle we let run out of fuel (wax). The kiddos each got a chance to place the glass and squirt the flame. We also talked about match and candle safety, that only adults could light them.
Stop, Drop, and Roll - We also talked about what to do if fire got on their clothes. The kiddos suggested that we could use water to put it out or a blanket. Yes! I also told them about "stop, drop, and roll"...
Glowing Fire - We decided to make our own safe fire with a battery tealight, tissue paper and a plastic cup.Once our fires were done, we turned off the lights and shut the curtains and lit our fires. Then we roasted marshmallows!
I saw this cute idea on this blog: Here.
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