Circle Time - Chicka Boom - We read, then watched on YouTube the singing video of the book. And then we acted out the book with our own coconut tree and letters.
Here's our tree in action...
Coconut Cup Tree - The kiddos created another coconut tree, but with this one they can store their letters in it. Once their trees were finished, the kiddos marched their letters up the tree.
I saw this cute idea on this blog: Here!
Shaving Cream and Cars - Just for fun!
They helped clean it all up when it was time to go too!
Paintbrush Cleaning - The younger kiddos enjoyed painting the table and toys with their brushes after we finished a project. Which worked nicely because everything got cleaned up that way, eventually.
Science - Coconut 5 Senses - The kiddos were super excited to check out a real coconut. They wanted to know which tree in the yard it came from. Ha! I pulled up a couple of videos to show them someone climbing a coconut tree.
We used our 5 senses to investigate our coconut. The kiddos were curious about the sloshing sound we heard inside it. They were also surprised about the rough, kinda hairy outside.
Coconut Art - The kiddos recreated what they learned.
Coconut Opening - We took the coconut outside so we could open it up. First we nailed a couple of holes so we could pour the coconut water out. The kiddos tasted it, they weren't so thrilled about it. Ha.
Then we got to work cracking it open. A few good wacks and... We also tasted shredded coconut from the store.

Smashing Walnuts - The kiddos wanted a few more things to smash. So I had them try the walnuts that are all over the yard. That was awesome. The walnuts have a fleshy green outer part, then the big shell and a walnut inside. Great, smashy fun.

Free Play - One kiddo got extra creative with a box today. He cut wings for an airplane, then also cut holes in the bottom so his legs could fit. His friend wanted to join him, so he cut a second set of leg holes. So great! I love it when they get so creative.

Play Dough - For our first recipe, Ms. Sara made coconut play dough to play with. It smelled yummy! - I just added a bit of coconut extract to my homemade recipe.
Coconut Chocolate Chip Cookies - The kiddos were excellent helpers...
Find this yummy recipe: Here!
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