Spy Target Practice - As our preschool agents arrived, they worked on their aim, which was an extra tricky task today because of the wind. They were to throw their Frisbee to hit a number and preferably to do so in numerical order. Ha, we ended up with Frisbees going everywhere!
During target practice we discovered this note in the bushes. Our next mission!
Secret Spy Lair Entrance - Using our spy skills we snuck around the yard, making sure we weren't followed so we could slip into our lair unnoticed. (Through the window of the preschool!)
Our Mission - We opened the envelope, there was a puzzle and a clue inside. The agents worked together to solve the puzzle. Then we turned it over to read the message.
Here was our message and our first clue...
Spy Gear - Every spy needs gear! Before we could begin our mission, we had to get ready first.
Communicator Bracelets - **You may need to super glue these, we learned that hot glue does not hold felt to plastic. Drat!** - I used slap bracelets and felt.
Each agent selected buttons to add to their communicator bracelet that were specific to their skill set.

Spy Badge - Each agent readied their badge. I found the template for the badge: HERE!
Disguises - Every spy needs a few disguises. Our agents were equipped with finger mustaches, for the quick disguise and the ever popular glasses disguise.
Clue #1 - The reading of the clue. Fortunately two of our agents are skilled in clue reading. (Clue #1 pictured above with the mission)
Balloon Battle - We deciphered from the clue that Dr. Doom had placed balloon destroyers as the next obstacle in our path. Our agents were quick to hunt down and bash each balloon destroyer, the wind did not make this easy for them. However, with persistence, the task was completed.
- Because of the wind, this is how I corralled the balloons before the kiddos came out. -
The agents carefully gathered all the balloon destroyer bits, so no civilians would be injured.
The wind helped a lot with this activity. The kiddos
hurriedly chased the balloons around the yard and smacked them with the
batons. They popped quickly due to the
grass, which worked perfectly.
Clue # 2 - While defeating the balloon destroyers, agents discovered the next clue from Dr. Doom. (Pictured: clue #2 and #3)
Obstacle Course - Before the next leg of our mission, we decided to work on our fitness. Also, the agents used the balloon basher batons to scout the area for any other devious items. (trees, logs, chairs...)
Snack Break - Agents need to keep up their strength by eating healthily. We also worked a bit on our decoding skills. During snack we discovered our next clue from Dr. Doom...in our watermelon!
Clue #3 - The agents were a bit nervous about decoding, but by working together, they completed it.

Decoders - I found this alphabet decoder: Here! Be careful when putting the brad in, I did not put it right in the center of the circles and it made the letters not quite match up. Drat!
Lasers! - We knew the warning against RED could only mean one thing! A laser obstacle...When our agents reached the end of the laser obstacle, there was a dead end! They had to back up to find a door not wired with lasers...

This was Agent Pooh Bear's note... What's this?! It wasn't a real mission? Just another training! Well done agents!
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