Circle Time - We played a silly game with our names. "Simon says put your name on your ..." They each got a chance to suggest silly spots for our names to go. Then they used their name in the learning station.
Self Portraits - The kiddo created themselves!
Cover That Cough (and Sneeze) Please! - Next we talked about germs and how they are so very small, you can't even see them. Ms. Sara "sneezed" on the kiddos using a spray bottle. Eww! We talked about different ways to cover a sneeze or cough: in your elbow, down your shirt, in a tissue.
We decided to add a sneeze to our self portraits...

Science - Germs - Next we decided to use some germs we could see to show how dirty hands spread germs EVERYWHERE! Yuck!
Ms. Sara put lotion on each kiddos hands, then a dash of germs (glitter).
A bit of lotion with this smudge of germs.
Time for a wash! Glitter takes a bit to come off, so it was perfect to show how germs like to stay on us and we have to really wash well.

Today was all about Fire Safety.
Fire Drill - Every summer the preschool has a fire inspection and they always check to see that we do our monthly fire drills. So to start off our fire safety day, we did our fire drill. There are two safe exits from the preschool: the front door and the window. We did both today.
The kiddos hurrying to our meeting place, the big tree.
The kiddos are climbing back in the window because who would want to use the door!
Journal Time - The kiddos drew a fire in their journal, then wrote the word.
Put It Out! - The kiddos painted a fire, then they put it out with a hose (pipe cleaner with blue tissue paper on the end).
While painted, one of the kiddos got paint on her arm: "Ah! I got fire on my arm!"
Stop! Drop! Roll! - We talked about what to do if fire gets on your clothes.
Science - Fire - We talked about what a fire needs to burn: oxygen (air) and fuel. Then Ms. Sara lit a few candles (We said: matches are only for grown-ups) and we tried to put out the little fires. We used water, suffocation (glass over the flame) and our breath.
Fire Hose - Ms. Sara hid a few flames in the backyard for the kiddo-firefighters to find and put out. Then they took turns hiding the flames.
"It's still fire-y and I'm touching it!" She exclaimed as she went to hide the flame.

Shape Fire Truck - Toddlers - The kiddos painted the back of a cereal box, then glued on wheels and a ladder (square punch).

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