Circle Time - We chatted about all sorts of Tt things today. Trucks, turtles, toes, triangles, toothpicks, tape .... . We also learned the sign language for Tt.
Milk Cap Turtles - We looked at pictures of turtles and talked about where they live (ponds and streams). Then we looked at tortoises and noticed how they were different (bigger shell, claws, scaly legs) and talked about where they live (desert). Finally we enjoyed some pictures of sea turtles. We knew where they live. We also chatted about what these animals eat.
Once we decorated the shells of our turtles, we let them go for a swim. We had a wet pond and a dry pond to play in.
Toothbrush and Mouth - The kiddos created a mouth with teeth and a toothbrush to clean them.
I love that this kiddos created a face for her mouth!
Tape Road - No Tt week would be complete without a tape road! The kiddos enjoyed driving all over it.
Backyard - Bucket - Over the weekend Mr. Adam rigged us up a bucket-pulley system. The kiddos had a BLAST taking turns pulling the bucket up to the top and letting it back down over and over and over again. Our bucket carried pine cones, rocks, sticks, leaves and of course: Turtles!
I got the great idea for this from a blog, find it: HERE!
Tacos! - The kiddos created paper tacos with all the toppings today! Yum! Maybe we should have made the real things!
We painted a small paper plate the class before, then today we filled it! It saw this great idea: HERE!
Free Play - Tent! - Ms. Sara found these tents on clearance yesterday! Just in time for our Tt week! Terrific!

Toothpick Twirlers - These fabulous "helicopters" were lots of fun today.
Envelope Trash Trucks - This is one of my favorite activities we did last year. I have a kiddo who LOVES trash trucks, so we did it again. It was perfect for Tt week. The kiddos used scraps from the recycling bin to fill the truck with "trash".
The back is a large envelope that were wonderfully donated.

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