We chatted today about what makes someone a superhero and decided that superheroes help people. So we can be superheroes too! They were super excited about that. We also talked about the superheroes in our community: firefighters, police officers, doctors and nurses, crossing guards, and even our moms and dads!
Here is silly Ms. Sara sporting her Super Sara shirt! Da da da!
We figured superheroes (us) could use these controller boxes to fight bad guys.
These are simply jello/pudding boxes covered with duct tape with a straw attached. I set out oodles of things for the kiddos to glue on. I also have my hot glue gun out so I can glue on heavier stuff for them, like the buttons.
We've done these each year we've done superheroes and they are a class favorite.
This cutie pie and his friend were using their controllers as walkies-talkies.
Here are some of the kiddos ideas as they worked:
"Spaghetti mode!""This eyeball shoots eyeballs at the bad guys!"
"When I push both of these buttons at the same time it controls all the good wolves and they get the bad guys!"
"These red arrows shoot pasta and these brown arrows shoot robots."
"This button turns me invisible!"
"This button makes ice cream come out!"
"This shoots snowflakes at the bad guys."Super Hero Masks - These turned out great. I free hand cut them, hot glued elastic and cut hearts and lightning bolts. The kiddos got to choose how to decorate them.
Shields - The kiddos created a superhero shield, they decorated the front. I glued to heavy weight paper plates together. Once they finished decorating I duct taped a strip of cardstock on the back for an arm band. They held up really well. I found the craft foam stars in the dollar section at Target.
Dart Destroy - The kiddos used superhero darts (Q-tips) to destroy the bad guy's castles (tp rolls). I found large, sturdy straws for the kiddos to blow the Q-tips at the castles.
Circle Time - Magnets - Today the kiddos did a bit of experimenting with magnets. I gave them each a magnetic wand and had them search around the preschool to see what things were attracted to it...

Rescue Mr. Frog! - An evil genius captured Mr. Frog! The kiddo super heroes had to rescue him. They had to climb through the tunnel, go across the narrow bridge over lava, untie Mr. Frog and then return safely with him.

Super Stick Heroes! - These were really fun to create. Below are the heroes for the toddlers, I drew faces for them, they colored with markers the uniforms. I used mini jumbo craft sticks. (They were shorter. I found them at Michael's.)
These heroes have button shields and only one eyeball.
For the older kiddos, we pulled out the washi tape and all the bits we've been using all week to create cool stuff.