Circle Time - Melted Snowmen - They make pretty convincing melted snowmen, don't they. Oh, and some snowladies!
Egg Carton Snowmen - These turned out cute. The kiddos enjoyed stuffing their snowman with cotton and picking out their scarf.
Science - Melting Snowmen - We hopped in the backyard to grab some snow for our experiment, but were surprised to find it all frozen! Yikes! We tried using a stick to loosen up some chunks, but that didn't work so well.
Then Ms. Sara grabbed a spoon, that worked much better (like dishing ice cream).
Once each kiddo got a chunk of snow in their science bag, complete with their snowman face, we headed back inside to warm up and discuss.
We chatted about ways to melt our snowman or to keep it cold. Then the kiddos got to decided which they wanted to do. We figured the window sill was cold-ish place and the heater was a warm place. Now wait....

Melty Snowman - We decided to make an artistic version of our melting snowmen.
Gee, I just realized we forgot our eyes in the Youngster class, oops!
Snowman Snack - Bagel and Cream Cheese - The kiddos decorated their snowman with craisins and carrot sticks. Yummy and cute!
Science - Melting? - Checking in on our melting snowmen...

"I think they're too low from the heater. They're not melting."
"Let's try smooshing them! ... Woah! I have some water!"
"Me too! I bet my nose is getting wet."
Snowman Bingo -
The kiddos enjoyed a few rounds of Abc bingo. I pulled out a letter,
the kiddos identified it, name and sound if we weren't too excited, then
they covered the spot with a cotton ball.
I laminated my snowmen so I could just write the letters on with a dry erase marker. That way we can play other types of bingo (sight word, name, colors etc.). I found this idea at: this source.Indoor Snowball Fight! - The kiddos helped me scrunch up paper into balls, then we had an epic snowball fight! The kiddos took snowballs home in their bag so they could have a snowball fight at home too!
The bucket is just a milk carton and I have been saving lids for a project we'll do when we do our theme on monsters. I saw this idea at: this source.
Snowman Puppets - These were fun! The kiddos picked out the ribbon for their scarf.
Snowman puppet on the go! The kiddos loved playing with these. I saw the idea at this: this source.Science - Baking Soda and Vinegar - We had all our left over baking soda from our snow dough last week. We couldn't just dump it out! So we did science with it! The kiddos enjoyed scooping their baking soda into mountains and thus volcanoes!

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