Melting Snow Cave - *sigh*, our snow cave is not holding up in this rain, although I hear from parents who live higher up that they have snow. Perhaps we should have them bring some down. Ha!
Refurbished Snow Cave - We're so very glad the weather got colder the rest of the week for our snow cave. We also had some snow on Tuesday. The cave looks so very much better than it did on Monday (above).
Safari - I sent the kiddos off through the classroom (with their binoculars) to hunt for some African animals that were hiding.
Journal Time - The kiddos also used their binoculars to help them find their journal.
Z Zebra - This little zebra just cracked me up when I saw him on pinterest. So I knew we had to make him. The kiddos worked hard gluing on all those stripes.
Hungry Lion - The kiddos enjoyed this hungry, roaring lion. Some of the lions even munched on the kiddos! We were going to add yarn for a mane but we ran out of time. They still turned out super cute!

Today at our zoo, we learned about arctic animals! Which is perfect with the chillier weather we are having.
Circle Time - Science - Camouflage - We wondered why polar bears were white. So investigated by looking at our polar bear against different colored backgrounds: green=forest, yellow=savanna, blue=ocean, black=night & white=snow. We quickly decided that white would be the best camouflage.
Free Play - The boys figured out how to hook the leaf into a chair so the cozy corner was much more cave like.
Textured Polar Bear - The kiddos added texture to their polar bear with either white pasta or coconut flakes. The younger kiddos used white tissue paper squares. I got the polar bear printable at this source.
Toddlers - Painting Polar Bears - The kiddos enjoyed the chance to paint with watercolors on this super cute polar bear. We know polar bears live in snow and ice and need to be white, but we thought our bears needed more color.
Arctic Fox - We forgot ears. Ha! I found this cute idea at this source.
Arctic Snack - Ice cream! Mr. Adam made homemade ice cream during break. I don't fully understand the physics behind it, but homemade ice cream is waaaay colder than regular ice cream. It's true. (I think Mr. Adam said some thing about it being denser than store bought which is fluffier.) A few comments from the kiddos:
Clutching her forehead: "Freeze brain! ... My teeth is cold!"
"So cold, so cold ..."
Snow Dough - The kiddos really enjoyed this today. It's a bit messy as it gets EVERYWHERE, but it is an easy clean up (vacuum). All you need is baking soda, glitter and enough water to make the baking soda mold-able. I found this great idea at this source.
Spot It Junior - Are you familiar with these games? Fun for all ages. I bought this one for the preschool during Christmas sales and tried it out today. The kiddos caught on quickly and really had fun.
Elephant Trunk - Today we learned that an elephant's trunk is 6 feet long! So we made sure to add that long of a trunk to our elephants. The kiddos measured out 6 feet of crepe paper and then glued it on.

Dump Truck - Santa brought the preschool this lovely dump truck for Christmas. The kiddos have been LOVING it. We found it's a wonderful help with clean up too!
Jenga - The kiddos did a great job. It takes some patience to tap and find a loose block, then carefully remove it and place it up top.
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