Witch Hands - These were fun to make. I traced the kiddo's hands and then cut them out and glued them onto a piece of cardstock. I gathered interesting looking beans and what nots for gluing, to create a spooky texture to their "witch arms".
Black beans, split peas, lintels of different colors, black and orange rice, and a few other odd looking beans. I bought a smidge of each of these at a grocery story that sells from bins. So I could scoop out and buy small amounts.
Here are a few shots of the kiddos at work..
Here are the finished projects. First my preschoolers...
And here are my youngsters (3 year olds).
This was an interesting project because I didn't think the kiddos would be to taken with it. But both classes loved it and spent quite a bit of time gluing and enjoying the beans and what nots.
Fall Leaf Hunt - Our fall weather has been gorgeous! So I have taken it for granted. Well, with colder, rainy weather looming, I scratched off a project or two so that we could go outside and enjoy the beautiful, crunchy, swirling leaves! I am so glad we did, because tonight the rain has started. Dratters!
Mummies of Ancient Egypt - We chatted a bit about mummies. That the real ones don't move around. I briefly told them how a long time ago in Egypt, when someone died, they would wrap the body in cloth. Then we tried it out on some of our toys.
Tp Roll Mummies - Once the kiddos had tried wrapping a mummy toy, they got to wrap their own tp mummy.
Snack - Cheese Mummies! - The kiddos helped me make biscuits. We rolled the dough into "snakes" and then wrapped them around our cheese sticks. (I made sure there was dough all around the cheese so we didn't have any messy leaks.) We popped them in the oven and they were super yummy!
Tape Mummies - These turned out so very cute! The kiddos put tape pieces all over their mummy shape (gingerbread) and then I cut around them.
Toilet Paper Mummies - This was a blast. I gave each kiddo a roll of cheapy tp and let them wrap themselves up. The loved it! We did this right before it was time to head for home so the kiddos were excited to "scare" their moms. Unfortunately toilet paper isn't the strongest mummy material and the mummies lost a bit in transit. But it was still fun.

Fluffy Ghosts - The kiddos loved creating these fluffy Halloween ghosts...
Here are the ghosts created by my 3 year olds.
Halloween Mix - To help the kiddos get all the sugar they can, we enjoyed this tastey treat.
Golden Graham cereal, marshmallows, chocolate chips, and candy corn. Yummers!
Bingo! I found this bingo set in the dollar bins at Target earlier this month. Yahoo! The kiddos did a great job of finding the pictures on their cards and helping one another.