Spray Chalk - This was fun! I think I need to make the colors more vibrant next time by using food coloring instead of paint. I used the recipe on this blog: Here!
It was sprinkling today...
Spraying the bush was fun! And making letters too!
The liquid chalk that didn't fit in the squirt bottles, I just brought outside too. The kiddos were trying some color mixing...
We enjoyed spraying but of course it was even more fun to dump it!
Dying Eggs - Every kid I know LOVES to dye eggs, so I thought this would be a perfect addition to our messy camp! And it was!!
Fingers are way more useful in a project like this than spoons. And the kiddos were delighted to be using them! Taa daa! Aren't they beautiful!
Pudding Painting - Whaaat?! Yep! We ate and painted with pudding today! So tasty and fabulous! I made a bunny ... The kiddos found him very tasty ...
Washing Off - And this his how we wash up after such silliness...
Water Jug - I have been looking for a jug that the kiddos could use to get water for themselves in our mud area... And I found it in the laundry room! Wahoo! Granted, I got to refill it several times, but no worries. It was super fun!

We pulled out the slide so we could run water down it. It made a lovely river and we were so excited when the river ran beyond the gate!

Colored Water - Potion Play - We LOVE to create potions! Today was another perfect day for it. (Just water and food coloring.)
Popping Rice Krispies - Ha! I forgot how wonderfully they "snap, crackle, and pop!" The colored water made it a bit more interesting...
I got this great idea from this blog: Here!
Jell-O - Come now, we couldn't have a messy day without jell-o! Again, first we munched it, then we played in it...
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