Journal Time - Under - The kiddos were surprised to find their journals under the table. They wanted to know why, so I reminded them what our letter of the week was. Then they figured it out. Ha!
Journals - umbrella, unicorn, Utah ...
Reading Under an Umbrella - Two wonderful Uu words! The kiddos enjoyed reading their favorite circle time books.
The Up House - I showed them the clip from the movie, when the house first takes off. Then we recreated our own house flying Up with balloons. We used ink pads and our fingers to make the balloons. I got this idea from this site: Here.
Balloons Go Up! - We had a blast trying to keep our balloons up in the air!
Adding - One of our favorite snowmen books is a counting book. It counts snowmen from 1 up to 10 and then back down to 1. At the end all the snowmen are added together to get 100. One kiddo did not think this was possible, so we pulled out the adding machine and did the math ... It worked!
Utah Map - Our state starts with U! So the kiddos investigated a map. We found our city (and added a star) and then we found the Great Salt Lake. We also looked for a few of the kiddo's vacation destinations (St. George and Moab).
Utah Books - We learned some facts about our state, then created a fold out book to help us remember them. Some facts are that the state fossil is an Allosaurus and our state animal is a Rocky Mountain Elk.

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