Feely Bag - Rr week - rabbit, rhino, rock, rocking horse, rose bead, red rectangle.
Journals - Rr Week - robots, red, rabbits, rain, rainbows, rabbits (the Earth was for Earth Day).
Baby Birds - A Momma bird made a nest in one of our trees. We hadn't noticed until we heard all the chirping this morning!
Free Play - Rock and Roads! Ms. Sara put out some rocks for our diggers to work with.
Science - Rock Making - Today we talked briefly about the 3 kinds of rocks and how they are made. Igneous: cooling of melted minerals. Metamorphic: when heat and pressure change other rocks. And Sedimentary: pieces of rocks and minerals get squished together.
Then we decided to make rocks of our own. Ours are sedimentary, of sorts. We mixed sand and gravel together, then poured a sugar solution over top. In theory, they'll harden in a few days and we'll have a rock! I found this experiment on this blog: Here.
Recycled Art - Flower Garden - On Monday, the kiddos painted the inside of egg cartons to become flowers. Today the kiddos added to their painted egg cartons by gluing beads in the center of each flower.
Painting our Flower Gardens - It was such gorgeous weather we decided to paint outside.
Painting our Flowers - Toddlers - For the toddlers, I glued a flower and petals on a large craft stick, then the kiddos painted the stick.
Science - Rock Making - Continued - Today we checked on our rocks. They were still a bit mushy, so we pulled them out of their cups and then formed them into a rock shape. We'll see how they dry now.
Tp Rockets - The kiddos engineered their own rocket.
Round Rice Krispie Treats with Rainbow Sprinkles! - Look what one of the kiddos brought us! Yummers! A most excellent use of Rr words!
Rain Stick - The kiddos filled their rain sticks with beans and rice. Then we taped up the top and let it rain....
Lint Rollers - Dollar Store - Who knew they would be so fun?! I just figured it was a silly Rr activity. We were surprised at how much they could hold! Once a sheet was full, they just pulled it off and started anew!

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