Circle Time - Feely Bag for Nn - noodle (dye for lacing), nose (Mr. Potato Head's), napkin, music note, ninja and a nail.
Journals - ninjas, nails, 9, nickle rubbing

Science - Narwhals - I told the kiddos that there is a whale that lives in the Artic waters and has a horn like a unicorn. I'm not sure they believed me at first. I showed them some pictures.
Next we learned that the narwhal's horn is really a tooth and it can grow up to 10 feet long! So we measured that out ... about 3 kiddos long!
Then we made a narwhal. We used a toothpick for the horn and we speckle painted them (with toothbrushes). We also learned that narwhals eat fish and shrimp and can break ice with their horns to come up for air.

Snack - Noodles - We enjoyed many loooong noodles today.
Night Painting - Night is a wonderful Nn word. We painted sparkly stars on our night time picture. While we painted we chatted about what we see in the sky at night. Once their pictures were dry the kiddos added star stickers to them. They look fabulous!
Snack - Nachos - What a yummy fun Nn snack today!
Craft Stick Ninjas - These turned out so cute! The kiddos were welcome to make as many as they wanted, so we ended up with a few ninja armies. I just put masking tape where the ninja's face would be, once the paint dried, we removed the tape and the kiddos drew or glued eyes.
Ninja Swords - Every ninja needs a good sword. Balloon swords. The kiddos enjoyed some epic battles. There were a few light sabers in there too.
Hidden Names - Water Color - Toddlers - The kiddos were surprised to find their name hidden on their painting paper!
Snow! - Shoveling - I shouldn't ever bother to shovel before preschool again because the kiddos are such excellent shovel-ers!
Hot Cocoa - Gotta warm up some how!
Notebooks - The kiddos decorated the cover of their notebooks and then wrote notes in them!

Nut Buddies - So fun! The kiddos picked out googly eyes for me to glue on, then they added a face.
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