Snow Cave and Dyed Water Spraying - Wahoo! Mr. Adam got the snow cave finished during break! We greatly enjoyed adding color to the cave with our water bottles full of color.
Circle Time - Ww - We sang our Ww song (Sesame Street: National Association of W lovers), we talked about Ww words, we chatted about winter time and what animals do during the winter (hibernate, fly south, change their coat, tunnels in the snow...). Here is what we discovered in our Ww feely bag: (white, watermelon, whale, worm, walrus, waffle)
Free Play - One of the kiddos was carefully baking car cookies.
Frost Painting - First the kiddos drew a winter scene on their paper, then we painted them with frost paint (Equal parts hot water and Epsom salts).
A snowman and a polar bear.
All dry and frosty!
Science - Weight - The kiddos weighed themselves and four other objects.
Some objects didn't weigh enough to register on Ms. Sara's scale, so the kiddos had to find something heavier.
Welcome to wonderful Wednesday of Ww week!
Circle Time - Worms Wiggling - The kiddos make great worms by the way.
Tp Watches - Watch is a wonderful Ww word! The kiddos added hands and decorations. Some watches had buttons for lasers and rock blasters!

Waffles! - A yummy Ww treat! The kiddos voted on what color they wanted them.
Washing Dishes - This was a hit! We'll have to do it again when we can play outside. The kiddos washed and rewashed and rewashed and ...
Snow Cave - With a bit of fog...
Wallet - The kiddos were thrilled to gain a wallet full of minion cash. They got to bedazzle them. I cut the felt to 7" (wallet length) x 6", fold not quite in half, stitch up each side. Fold wallet wrong side out and trim. All done! I printed the minion money from this side: Here!
I love this! Wallet in his back pocket...Snow! - How wonderful we got fresh snow during class to shovel!
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