Circle Time - The kiddos enjoyed sock worms and they also wiggled like worms. We learned some new things about worms. For instance: worms lay eggs, they hibernate, they breath through their skin and that's why they come out after a big rain, because their tunnels are full of water.
I found tan socks in the men's department. They worked great as worms.
Stick Worms - The kiddos added segments to their worms, a face and then we wrapped a bit of pipe cleaner to make the bulgy part of the worm.
Worms in the Bean Bin!
Worm House - Today we created a worm house. We carefully layered sand and dirt (we hope to see the layers mix a bit when the worms dig their tunnels). Then we added dead leaves on top (which is what they eat). Now we just need worms!
I found instructions and the idea on this blog: HERE.
Worms for Snack! - Just kidding! They're chow mein noodles!
Apple and a Wiggly Worm - The kiddos decorated their apple, then Ms. Sara drew a happy worm face on their finger...munch, munch.
Backyard Worm Hunt - We hopped outside to look for worms to live in our new worm house. Alas, we didn't find any. We're thinking they might still be hibernating deeper down in the ground. Ms. Sara will have to buy some worms for Wednesday.
Growing Grass - I am growing a pan of grass (I found a cake carrier with a lid at Walmart for about $6). I figured the kiddos could play with their animals in the grass, once it grows tall. I saw this fun idea on pinterest.
Journal Time Worms - The kiddos were surprised to find worms waiting for them on their journals.
Writing - I love these little clipboards, the kiddos do too!
Science - Worm Observations with our Worm Journals - The kiddos drew a picture of a worm on the first page of their journals, then we pull out the real worms.
The kiddos were so very excited by the worms. They made tons of fabulous observations.
Here is our worm home that we made on Monday. We put 5 worms in our home and wrapped it with black paper. We're hoping our worms will start tunneling right away and that we'll be able to see them working on Friday.

Worm Tunnel - We worked off some of the energy we gained from snack.
Worm Release - We took our worms outside to release them into the "wild".
When we weren't looking anymore, they slipped underground.
Worm Painting - We tried painting with worms. Not real ones! Just the fishing lure ones.
World Map - I was donated this fabulous laminated world map. The boys were using it to find where the bad guys were so they could get them.
Worm Baggies - The kiddos created a habitat for their beaded worms. Their worms are safe in the baggie, so they can pull them out and play with them if they want. The kiddos drew a lovely background for their worms (roots and tunnels), and provided nice green grass too.
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