Journal Time - I pulled out the globe to show the kiddos where Sochi, Russia is.
Olympic Ring Paper Plates - We talked about how all the colors of the rings, including the white background represent the colors of the different country's flags who are participating in the Olympic games.
Snack - During snack (olympic ring bagels) we watched some clips of various Olympic sports. Also for snack we enjoyed eating "gold medals" - golden oreos! Yum! We also made edible torches this week (cones and cheetos).
Gold Medals - Gold paint, card stock and yarn.
Ice Skating - A favorite Olympic sport. We used wax paper for our skates...
Olympic Tp Torch Relay - After we made our torches, we had to do the torch relay...
Figure Skating Again - The kiddos got to skate some toys around this mini rink. They also skated their fingers a bit, but that was cold!
Down Hill Skiing - Like our slope? The kiddos sent all sorts of toys skiing down it.
I just used some hot pocket boxes I had in the freezer and the preschool chairs. The kids had a blast. Instead of tossing our slope in the recycle bin, I think I'll keep it for a rainy day.

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