Tape Resist Hearts - Day 2 - I peeled the tape off and taa daa! We had fabulous hearts!
Valentine Party Goodies - I have each kiddo bring something to share, then i provide a few things. The kiddos loved the bread stick bones we did last week for dinosaurs, so I made them again, but turned them into hearts.
I also made a love mix...
Play Dough - The much anticipated event of our party day. I promised I would make homemade play dough.
Ms. Sara's Valentine - I decided to make a valentine ball with goodies inside. I just did paper mache over a balloon, then painted them when they were dry. I chose to use big (12" or so) balloons so I could shove the goodies inside before I did the paper mache.
Here are the goodies I gathered (dollar store, party store, Michael's dollar bin). In the picture you'll see the small 8" balloons, those totally didn't work for pre-stuffing.
Here I am in the midst of doing paper mache. Messy, but fun. I did the flour and water paste. It got gloopier the cooler in temperature it got.

Finished product. On the opposite side of the tag, I told them they needed to crack open their ball to find their valentine goodies.
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