The kiddos painted them to get them ready for their fairies.

Painting our Fairies - We painted our fairies with glitter nail polish. The kiddos added faces with Sharpies. I hot glued felt wings on them .
Time to Decorate our Wings - I made these wings after the idea of the superhero capes from last week. Nice and simple. The kiddos chose what fabulous bits they would like on their wings and I hot glued them on.

Fairy Dust Necklaces - The kiddos carefully filled their fairy jars. Once they were done, Ms. Sara super glued it shut (hopefully). I found these tiny jars in the jewlery department of Hobby Lobby. So perfect!
We just filled them with regular glitter.

Our Fairy Terrariums - We created a little fairy garden for our houses to sit in and our fairies to enjoy. The containers are the tops to cheesecakes that I rescued from the kitchen after a wedding.

Tent -

Chalk Fairy -