Bag Puppet Robots - The kiddos added bits of this and that to create their own robot friend.
Remote Controllers - After snack we made these fabulous remote controls! Watch out, they are powerful! - This is a class favorite to make. I just covered Jello boxes with duct tape, added a straw antannae and let the kiddos do the rest. I have them pick out the buttons etc., then I hot glue them on.

Rainbow Earrings! - One kiddo wore her rainbow earrings especially for Rr week! Cool!
Journal Time - Rabbits - Today in our journals, the kiddos stamped a rabbit face, then added ears and what not. Here are two rabbit creations...
3-D Rainbows - This was fun! I love seeing how the kiddos put their rainbows together differently. I had them bend the end of the paper to create a "foot" on both ends, that was the part that got glued.
Here they are...
Here are the youngster's rainbows. I love the flat one, kiddos was really not interested in a standing up rainbow. Ha.
Science - Baking - Rolo Cookies - Yum! While digging for my Rolos, I also found Reeses! Extra yum! This was a tasty treat today. We shoved the candy into the middle of the cookie dough, made sure it was sealed, then baked them, yummers!
Rolling, Racing Ramp! - Ha!
The kiddos LOVED this! The boys stayed at it the whole free time!
They raced, rolled, and moved the ramp to different positions to aid in
their rolling and racing. It was great!
Frozen Water Table -
I went outside this morning to grab our water table for a project today
and discovered that winter had gotten the better of me. I forgot we
had rain before the snow! Drat! It was frozen nearly solid. So I
brought it in to thaw out and for our fingers to ice skate on. The
kiddos were concerned about the mini pumpkins frozen in
the water.
Cotton Ball Counting - The kiddos counted out 24 cotton balls for their advent Santa's beard.
Racoon Raft - Tee Hee! This is what I wanted our water table for. We needed to make a raft for our racoons to float on. First we made our raft from twigs (Ms. Sara wielding the hot glue gun). Snack - Root Beer Floats - You know Ms. Sara can't turn down an opportunity for ice cream! We did also have raspberries!
Advent - Santa Beard Count - The kiddos first created their Santa, then decorated him up a bit and finally added 2 cotton balls on his beard (one for yesterday, December 1 and one for today!). I hope these cute Santas help them count down to Christmas!
This kiddo's Santa has a cowboy hat on because he rides a deer. (That's what he told me.) Ha!
Cotton Cutting - This kiddo got a little side tracked while making her Santa. She thoroughly enjoyed cutting the cotton balls! A bit tricky, but she loved it.
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