Decorating the Tree - The kiddos hung up their ornaments that dried over the weekend.

Journals - Santa - The kiddos were given 2 squares of paper and were asked to create a Santa for their journal. Here are a few of them ...
Woven Snowflake Ornaments - The kiddos wound yarn around and around, then we added jewels. I found this cute idea on this blog: Here!

Science - Bending Candy Canes - Whaaat?! We warmed them up a bit and then changed their shapes. The last batch Ms. Sara left in the oven too long, drat. They looked like deflated candy canes. Ha!
Just pop them in the oven at about 250 degrees for a few minutes. I firest saw this idea on this blog: Here!
Circle Time - Putting the last cotton ball on Santa's beard...
Journal Time - I had the kiddos draw a Christmas scene in their journals today. Here are a couple of them...
Peeking out of a kiddo's bag! I found the idea for these guys on this blog: Here!
Stuck in the Chimney! - Santa - Oh dear! The kiddos could choose if they wanted Santa's head or feet sticking out...

I saw this cute idea on this blog: Here!

Hand Print Reindeer - Toddlers - These turned out super cute!
Merry Christmas and I'll see you all in January!
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