Science - Moldy Pumpkins - Eww!
We checked each pumpkin to see how much mold had grown. The kiddos
think it's time to get rid of them. I told them on trash day we could
get rid of them, but for now, we're going to see how moldy they get!
Circle Time - Instruments - Mr. Adam made us a drum from a flower pot and packing tape. It's fabulous! So we pulled out the rest of the instruments to play with too.
We discovered that the triangle starts with the letter Tt and it makes great music.
We also found that one kiddo had on turtle socks (Tt) and that another had toes (Tt) and that the bottom of her sandles are tan (Tt)! What a lovely bunch of Tt words!

Envelope Trash Truck - Always a favorite. The kiddos added "trash" in their envelope truck. For trash we used paper scraps scrunched up.
We remembered tickets start with Tt, so one kiddo added some in his truck.
Timer - The boys were racing around the backyard.
Circle Time - Tt Clothing - One kiddo wore his hammer head shark shirt because the shark is shaped
like the letter Tt! And another had on her new fuzzy Troll
pajamas! Yeah for letter Tt!

A kiddo told me this joke today: "What are the other two days that start with Tt besides Tuesday and Thursday? ... Today and tomorrow!"
Tinfoil Painting - We hopped back inside to do a bit of silly painting. It was different painting on tinfoil. The kiddos said it was bumpy and shiny.
Turkey Art - Using the papers kiddos painted on Wednesday for feathers, they created their own fancy turkeys.
Snow Play - We finally had our first snow! The toddlers were excited about, so we brought some in to paint and eat.
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