Fancy Tp Dinosaurs - I saw this cute tp dinosaur on this blog: Here!
Googly eyes and eyes with lashes!

Door Journey - There is this book that the kiddos love, where a little girl draws a door with a magic crayon and enters to find a whole wonderful world and had some adventures. Today I invited the kiddos to create their own magical world. What would they find when they opened their door....
This kiddo drew a unicorn and another drew himself sledding.
This kiddo drew herself some place fancy with her mom and a wreath on the door.

This kiddo drew himself diving in the ocean and another kiddo created a jungle with a monkey.

And this kiddo drew her mom at the door and a cat inside.

Snack - Donuts - A little preview for Wednesday when we'll make donuts!
Cave - Deer or Dinosaur - The kiddos chose a deer or dinosaur, then they created a habitat for their critter. We talked a bit about what their animals eat and what they would need near their cave. These are just my usual caves made from Dial soap boxes.

For the toddlers I used the smaller paper plates and put a coat of brown paint on them.
Making Donuts - Yum! We made baked donuts today, they were yummy! We made a simple baked recipe (I used a donut pan), then the kiddos decorated them. They were yummy!
Wallet - A favorite in the dress up bin is the wallet full of used gift cards. The kiddos LOVE playing with the cards. I just occasionally ask when at a store if they have any used gift cards I could have for my preschool, they have always just handed them right over.
Dragons - These fire breathing dragons roared quite a bit while they were being created.
This kiddo added wings to his dragon.
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