Feely Bag - Dd Week - dice, dinosaur, dog, dolphin, door, doll
Journal Time - Dd Week - The kiddos helped a dinosaur to walk across an ink pad, then across their journal! We also stuck dinosaur band-aids in our journals. Dr. Seuss and dime rubbings.
Snow Cave - Demise - Oh, our poor snow cave!
Journal Time - Dinosaurs - A kiddo's dinosaur was eating her letter Dd!
Dd is for Dress! - One of the girls wore a beautiful dress today, perfect for Dd week!
Dinosaur Mat - I made this a few years ago. The kiddos really love it.
Dinosaur Stamping - I have this really cool stamp set (from Stampin' Up) that has dinosaurs and their skeletons. The kiddos enjoyed matching them up.
Dinosaur Eggs - Ice Style - I had to think of something different for the dinosaur eggs this year. The kiddos and I thought up strategies for how to get our dinosaurs out of the ice during snack and then we went outside and they tried them out!
Dinosaurs Outdoors -

Science - Density - Today we discovered that when you make an object more dense (smoosh it into a smaller space), it'll no longer float! We did this with aluminum foil. The kiddos had a blast smooshing their foil. You have to really condense it. We used a block to pound it.
Cat in the Hat Masks - Dr. Seuss's Birthday - How wonderful for Dd week!
Here is a cat in the hat....
Digging in Dirt - Mud -
Paper Plate Dog - Toddlers - The kiddos glued the face on their dog and then colored it a bit.
Dragon Skin - During free play the kiddos helped me print their scaly dragon skin. We painted white on bubble wrap, gently smoothed their choice of dragon color onto it, then peeled it off and let it dry.
Dragon Making - The kiddos glued all their dragon parts together. Roooar!
Snack - Donuts - A mom brought us yummy donuts for snack! They were delish!
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