Circle Time - We tried to think up all the words that begin with the letter Ff: foot, finger, fun, fast, furry, flower, frog, fish .... We sang "five green and speckled frogs" several times.
Journal Time - Flamingo, frog, flower, fox, fish ...
Today we traced our foot into our journal!
Our Flag - The kiddos described our flag to me (they did a great job), then we painted the red stripes (with the help of tape) and stuck the stars on the blue rectangle.
Fork Monsters - To get us ready for Halloween, we made some scary fork monsters.

This kiddo was working towards making Frankenstein! Grrrr! She did great!

Stamping - The kiddos got super excited about stamping and went to town!
Science - Freezing - Today we found 14 things from Ms. Sara's kitchen to freeze. We're so curious if they will.
Science - Freezing Experiment - Part 2 - We were surprised to find that the BBQ sauce and the chocolate syrup didn't freeze! Whaaat?! Also, our salty water just got ice on the top, underneath was still liquid! Everything else froze solid!
We used: water, milk, kool-aid, lemon juice, salty water, ranch dressing, BBQ sauce, chocolate syrup, dish soap, sugary water, oil, a grape tomato and cheerios.
Family Portraits - The kiddos did their best work to create a family portrait.
Youngster class (3 year olds)
Foil Ball Battle -
Snack - Frozen Banana Sandwiches - The kiddos love these. Brrrr.
Freezee Pops - Or as you folks in Utah call them: otter pops. Freezing cold, but tasty!
Fake Flowers - So much fun to be had!
The kiddos really enjoyed digging, planting, and watering these flowers.
Frog Face - We even added a fly on the tongue. Super cute.
Frog Tongues - I was excited to find red plastic party blowers at the dollar store. The paper ones get soaked so fast. The kiddos had a blast with these.
Fruit by the Foot - One of the kiddos had the fabulous idea to bring a Ff snack to share.
Fall is Coming! - A kiddo discovered a very red leaf on our bush. He looked for other leaves that were starting to change.

Fall Walk - Fabulously frisky weather!

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