Monday, May 25, 2015

Great Outdoors and Camping

This week we'll be enjoying the great outdoors with a camping theme. 

Sidewalk Chalk - I love it when the weather starts getting warmer and we just enjoy time drawing on the driveway.  It's so fun.  I love the stuff the kiddos create!  Here is a beautiful mermaid.

Backyard - A kiddo created this nest for real birds, and wanted to put it in the tree.  This was a good spot.

Building our Fires - The kiddos built their fire with logs, then added flames.  Once their fires were ready, they got to "roast" a marshmallow over their flames.  Yum!

Once the kiddos had "roasted" and eaten their marshmallow, we slathered their stick with glue and stuck a cotton ball on it so they could continue to play with their tp fire at home.

Real-ish S'mores - After a healthy snack, we enjoyed oven s'mores in the backyard!  Yummers!
We of course ate them outside as they were very gooey.  I love the abandoned s'more, carefully set on the dirty steps to the slide.

Tent - Whaaat?!  A tent in the preschool?!  Yep!  The kiddos LOVED playing in the tent.

Caterpillar - While doing chalk, the kiddos found a small caterpillar.  We tried to feed him leaves, but I think we were just scaring him.  Ha.  So once we got him onto a leaf, we put him in the bush, where hopefully he will eat lots, get fat and become a butterfly.

Stick Fire - Toddlers - Ms. Sara pre-glued the sticks, the kiddos glued the fire.  We also enjoyed some marshmallows with our fire.

Nature Journals - I made these simple journals from scraps of cardboard.

Trail mix - Yum!  The kiddos got a scoop of each.

Our Hike! - Before we left we discussed safety, staying together and what things to look for.  We brought crayons to do rubbings, tape to put cool nature stuff in our journals, and pencils to sketch. 

We arrived at the park and the a few of the kiddos made "fires" to roast their marshmallows over.

We found a bird's egg.

Kiddos found wishing flowers!   
"I wish I was half mermaid and half fairy."
"I wish I was a mermaid so I could be in the water all the time."

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