Journal Time - The kiddos found an Earth on their journal! They colored it, some kiddos added volcanoes or sharks in the ocean. We noticed that there is way more water on our planet than land.
Four Seasons Book - We talked about the four seasons we have and what we like to do in each one. Then the kiddos drew pictures for each season.

Science - Wind Experiment - We talked about the wind and our wind experiences. Then we talked about what we have seen blowing in the wind. Next we decided to see if our wind (our breath) could blow anything. It can!
Then we pulled out the fan, which of course the kiddos LOVED.

Circle Time - Today being Earth Day, we discussed things we could do to make our Earth happy or sad. Older class and younger class:

Painting our Earth - The kiddos painted their plates, then later added green tissue paper continents.
A couple of the preschoolers were naming each of their "continents" as they glued them on.
Science - Wind Again - Part 2 - Today we tried to fly paper airplanes and snowballs (crumpled up paper) in the wind.
The kiddos were thrilled by the mini airplanes: how they flew and even how they stuck to the fan!

The kiddos found trash for our bag and dandelions for my apron pocket.

Science - Clouds - During snack, Ms. Sara announced that we'd be eating clouds for science today ... Whaaaa?!
First we explored the different kinds of clouds on Mr. Adam's cloud chart. We discovered that today's clouds were cirrus-ish. We also learned that there are scientists who just study clouds! Cool huh!
We talked about rain clouds (cumulus) and how they fill up with water (water cycle!). We filled some clouds (cotton balls) up with rain (dipped them in a cup of water) then let them rain! Squeeeeeze! ... Well, that's almost how the clouds do it! Ha!
After all that cloud fun, we munched our edible clouds and then created this cloud guide.
"Y" Stick - The kiddos found this fabulous letter stick.
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