Wednesday, April 1, 2015

A Partial Week on Gardens and Eggs

This week we are enjoying spring with a day on gardening and plants, which follows perfectly after our worm week.  And a day on Eggs.  (This is a partial week because of spring break.)

Egg Carton Gardens - We chatted about how plants grow.  I drew on a white board as we talked it through, from seed to full plant.  Then the kiddos put soil in their cartons and poked a hole for our seeds to go in.  We looked at the 3 different kinds of seeds we had.  Each were a different shape, size and color.  The kiddos decided to mix up their seeds to plant a surprise garden.
Once all our seeds were planted and watered with a squirt bottle, we slid them in their green house (baggie) and took them outside to the sunshine.
Heading back into the preschool, we looked at the small buds on the bush.
Also our grass we are growing for our jungle animals or dinosaurs to play in is looking great.

Worm House - We took a quick peek and discovered one new tunnel with two worms squished in it.  Can you make them out?

Plant Diagram - The kiddos could draw their plant or create it with odds and ends.  Unfortunately our time was short, so kiddos took home half finished projects today.

Here is one of the kiddo's drawings.  It's a sunflower with an extensive root system.  Their diagram should have:  roots, seed, stem and leaves, flower or plant top.  They could also add worms, sunshine or water.

Cotton Round Chicks - In the Making - The boys were super exuberant today, so to channel some of that energy, I started them on dying cotton rounds for our baby chicks.  They loved it sooo much, the cotton rounds were super wet, so we'll have to let them dry over the long weekend and finish them next week.  They also dyed some paper towels.

Paper Plate Baskets - The kiddos decorated their baskets with washi tape (they love that stuff).  I cut two paper plates and stuck them together with tape (should have done some staples too).  This little basket holds 2 or 3 plastic eggs just perfectly.

Snack in an Egg - To be a bit silly and to add to our study on eggs today, Ms. Sara stuck crackers in plastic eggs for the kiddos.  Ha!  I should have hid them around the room, that would have been even better!

Plastic Egg Play - The kiddos loved playing with the eggs.  They would tap them on the pan to "crack them open".

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