Here are a few of the things we did:
Snack - bagel, strawberry cream cheese, crasin spots and Chinese crunch noodles for legs and antanae. Tasty and fun. I prefer the mini bagels, but I didn't find them the day I was shopping.
Ladybug rocks - I washed up some river rocks (landscaping) and let the kiddos paint them. I thought the googly eyes were a nice touch!
In circle time we talked about all the things the kiddos already knew about ladybugs. I love the entry by one of my girls of "cute", ha!
Counting Spots - This is a tasty activity. First the kiddos created ladybugs using paper punches. Then they added edible spots. We used chocolate chips and M&Ms, but we could have done craisins or raisins.
When I've taught this segment in previous years, I have purchased live ladybugs from a nursery that we study and watch and then set free. Well, time was running short on my errand day and I didn't get them. So instead we hunted in the backyard for ladybugs. Sadly we didn't find any, but we found some other bugs to catch.

I purchased the hand lenses for $ 0.97 a piece in the office supply section of Wal-Mart. The kiddos LOVED working with the lenses.
We looked everywhere hoping to find some ladybugs.
Simple Bug Catchers - Buy clear plastic cups and netting ($ 0.97/yard at Wal-Mart). You need 2 cups per bug catcher. Take one of the cups and cut off the bottom, about half way up. Then hot glue a circle of the netting over the opening at the top of the cup. Then simply nest the two cups inside each other. The kiddos simply scoop up the bugs with the two cups.
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